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Frequently Asked Questions and Resources
Navy Working Uniform
Grooming and Personal Appearance
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae (PFB)  
Other Services' Uniform Regulations/Policies  
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are umbrellas authorized when wearing NWUs?

The answer to the question is yes.  U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations authorize the optional use / donning of an umbrella when wearing the Navy Working Uniform (NWU).  Chapter 3 of the Navy Uniform Regulations lists all Basic, Prescribable and Optional components that are authorized for wear with Navy Uniforms.

Are the plastic, rubber, cloth, woven, leather or wood wristwatches or bracelets authorized while wearing the Navy uniform?
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 2, 2201 – Personal Appearance, Section 2, Article 2201.6 (e) and (f):
e.  Bracelets.  While in uniform, bracelets will be conservative.  Bracelets that distract from the professional military appearance of the individual in uniform are not authorized.  Bracelets may consist of natural metals or fabricated materials (e.g., plastic, wood, silicone or stone) and may be solid black, brown, dark green, grey, navy blue, tan, white, copper, gold and silver only.  Only one bracelet may be worn while in uniform.  When wearing a bracelet, a wristwatch/smartwatch or fitness tracker is not authorized on the same wrist as the bracelet.  Ankle bracelets in uniform are not authorized.  Bracelets will not present a safety or FOD hazard.
f.  Wristwatch/Smartwatch/Fitness Tracker. While in uniform, wristwatches/smartwatches and fitness trackers will be conservative and not present a uniform distraction.  Only one wristwatch/smartwatch or fitness tracker and one bracelet may be worn simultaneously (one on each wrist) while in uniform.  Smartwatches and fitness trackers are subject to applicable security regulations.  Authorized watch and fitness tracker colors when in uniform are solid black, brown, dark green, grey, navy blue, tan, white, copper, gold (metal), silver (metal), gold and silver combination (metal) only."
 Does the Navy Sailors have to conform with Marine Corps policy when wearing MARPATS?

The answer to this question is yes.  Navy sailors will abide by Marine Corps uniform policy when wearing Marine Corps uniforms.
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 2101.2:
 "NAVY PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO MARINE CORPS.  Sailors assigned to U.S. Marine Corps units who wear the Marine Corps uniform will abide by Marine Corps grooming standards except for the requirement of a zero fade hairstyle for male Sailors.  See article 6501.4."

 Are command t-shirts with logos authorized as optional wear with NWU Type II/III, Navy coveralls, and Navy flight suits?
The answer to this question is yes.
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 3, Section 5/6, Article 3603.2:
"At the Commanding Officer’s discretion, command logos are authorized on t-shirts for Optional wear with all Working/Utility uniforms (NWU Type II/III, Navy coveralls, and Flight suits).  Command logos may be applied via heat transfer, silk screen or embroidery to one-hundred percent cotton t-shirts. Logos may be worn on the front and back of t-shirts that are conservative, enhance unit esprit de corps and reflect well upon the Navy and the Unit they represent.  Logo placement is as follows: 
(a) The front logo will be placed on the left side of the wearer above the breast and will be no larger than 3 inches in height and width.
(b) The logo placed on the back of the t-shirt will be centered and may encompass the entire back.
(c) Logo colors will be conservative, non-reflective and will not be visible when worn with the Uniform shirt, Coveralls or Flight suit."

Are socks required to be worn with minimalist footwear?                                          

The answer to this question is yes.  Athletic socks are required for wear with athletic footwear.
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 3, Section 5/6, Article 3601.4:
Wear with athletic socks and close all fasteners.

Do I have to wear a belt when wearing the Service Khaki Overblouse?

U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 3, Section 5/6, Article 3501.72, Slacks, Khaki, Service (Female Officers/CPOs):
"Button all buttons, close all fasteners, and wear a belt through all loops.  Slacks shall hang approximately 2 inches from the floor at the back of the shoe.  Slacks should be tailored to include a 2 inch hem to provide material for adjustments."
EXCEPTION:  Female officers and CPOs are authorized to optionally wear male Service Khaki trousers and female Service Khaki slacks without belt and buckle with the khaki Overblouse only.
 Trousers, Khaki, Service (male) with Khaki overblouse only Female Officer and CPOs)  The wear of these items is Optional and they may continue to be worn as long as serviceable.

What is Navy policy for the proper wear of the Brown Aviation Leather Flight Jacket?
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 6, Section 8, Article 6803.3.b.(2):
Close zipper at least 3/4 of the way when worn. Management and control of leather flight jackets are outlined in OPNAVINST 10126.4 series.

Can I wear my personal cell phone on my belt while in uniform? 
The answer to this question is yes.  In accordance with U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 2101.3c:
 “Communication devices (e.g. cell phones, blackberries, pagers, etc.) are authorized for use and wear while in uniform (to include walking) in the manner prescribed as follows:

(a) Communication devices shall be conservative in color and design and shall not distract from the appearance of the uniform.
(b) Only one communication device is authorized for wear and can only be worn on the belt of Working and Service Uniforms aft of the elbow.
(c) Wearing of communication devices on service dress uniforms is not authorized.
(d) Communication devices will not be visible from the front and worn in such a manner as to impede the normal wear and appearance of the uniform (e.g. sagging, bunching, bulging, protruding etc.).
(e) Whenever there is a concern for operational security, the authorized use of communication devices shall be at the Commanding Officer's discretion.
(f) The use of portable communication devices shall not interfere with the rendering of military courtesies and Honors nor violate local, state and federal laws.
(g) When not being worn on the Uniform and in use, communication devices will be placed at the side of the leg and in the appropriate hand when rendering salutes, greetings and other military courtesies/honors.
(h) The use of an earpiece, blue tooth technology, headsets or hands-free device while in Uniform indoors or outdoors is prohibited unless specifically authorized for the execution of official duties (e.g. NSW, security personnel, detailers, etc.).
(i) The use of blue tooth technology, headsets and other hands-free devices are only allowed in uniform in a vehicle when authorized by local, state and federal law.  Regional Commanders may further restrict on base use of hands-free devices.”

Can women carry their civilian purses while in uniform?
The answer to this question is yes, provided the handbag is in compliance with Navy Uniform Regulations.
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 3, Section 5/6, Article 3501.25:
"Women may wear civilian handbags while in uniform in the manner prescribed below.  The handbag must be of plain black, brown, white leather or synthetic leather, generally rectangular or square in shape with magnetic or zipper closure.  The color of the handbag will match the color of the shoes worn.  Dimensions must be between 5 1/2 to 16 inches in width, 5 1/2 to 14 inches in height, and 2 to 6 inches in depth.  The handbag may have one visible manufacturer's logo that does not exceed 2 inches in height by 2 inches in depth by 2 inches in width.  Exotic materials such as eel, alligator, or ostrich skin are not authorized.  The handbag may not have any visible ornamentation, decorative stitching or embossed designs (excluding authorized logo mentioned above).  Women may wear civilian handbags with or without flaps while in uniform.  The closure hardware will be black, silver or gold-colored (no over-sized buckles or string ties are allowed).  The strap (single or double) will be of the same material as the handbag and may have a silver-colored, gold-colored or black-colored buckle.  Handbags may be procured from commercial sources, provided the above criteria are followed.

Correct Wear 
Carry over the left shoulder, on the left forearm or in the left hand.  When carried over the shoulder or on the forearm, place the body of the handbag between the natural waist and upper most part of the hip."

What is the policy for wearing the Knit Cap (Watch Cap)? 
U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, Chapter 1, Section 5, Article 1501.1b and Chapter 3, Section 5/6, Article 3501.11:
 Correct Wear.  The Watch cap will be worn with a single fold approximately 3 1/2 inches - 4 inches diagonally from the base of the back of the head, across the ears and on the forehead with the bottom of the fold one fourth of an inch above the eyebrows.  The Watch cap will be worn snugly on the head.  Rank/rate insignia is not authorized to be worn on the watch cap.  When authorized by appropriate authority, will be worn during cold weather conditions that may result in personal injury if not worn.
Note.  The knit watch cap is worn with the following outerwear only:  reefer, overcoat/bridge coat, peacoat, all weather coat, cold weather parka and NWU parka.  May be optionally worn with the PTU when weather conditions warrant.”

What are the embossing guidelines for the Navy Uniform Leather Name Patch?
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 5, Section 2, Article 5201.4.b and Chapter 6, Section 8, Article 6803.2.b.(2).(a).(2):

"b.  Velcro Backed Leather Nametag.  Nametags will be made of plain black leather in 2"x4" dimension.  Name, rank/rate and duty status (USN) will be embossed in gold for officers/CPOs and in silver for E1-E6 personnel with lettering in block letters, 1/4 inch high.  Only one earned breast insig­nia may be worn.  (Patrol pins not authorized).  The insig­nia (silver or gold) will be embossed above the individual's name.

When placing orders for the leather nametag, only one embossed warfare or qualification insignia is authorized, however, more than one abbreviation is authorized in parenthesis (SW/AW/SS).  In other words no officer's crest/rank insignia, enlisted rank insignia or specialty marks authorized. 
If the leather nametag is worn only on the Aviation Brown Leather Flight Jacket, the billet title (CO, XO, CAG, etc.) is optional."

When is the Green Flight Jacket authorized to be worn?
U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 6, Section 8, Article 6803.2b(1):
"(1) CWU-45/P Winter Flyers Jacket, CWU-36/P Summer Flyers Jacket, Multi-Climate Fleece Jacket, Climate Fleece Vest, Multi-Climate Shell Jacket.  May be worn with flight suits, but are not authorized for wear off base.  Sage Green or tan jackets may be worn with green or tan flight suits.  The vest may only be worn with either the green or tan flight suit.  Sage green jackets may also be worn with Working Khaki, Utilities, and other working uniforms in the immediate area of requirement if issued by the command.  Sage green jackets are not authorized with any service uniform (with ribbons).  The jacket will be worn with the zipper zipped at least 3/4 of the way.  Jacket shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition.  If torn, stained, or frayed beyond reasonable repair, it should be exchanged for a new jacket.
Additionally, consult your local uniform prescribing authority's uniform guidelines for the specific uniform guidelines for your area.  The area/regional coordinators, as designated in Section 4 of Standard Navy Distribution List, OPNAV P09B2-105, are the prescribing authorities responsible for issuing and controlling uniform policy within the geographic limits of their assigned region, Table 1-2-1 of the Navy Uniform Regulations refers.  Questions concerning authorized uniform of the day and specific guidance on the wear of organizational clothing should be addressed to the area/regional coordinator.  All Naval personnel shall wear the prescribed uniform of their respective rate or rank as prescribed by the designated uniform
prescribing authority."

Are Sailors allowed to walk and talk on command issued or personal cell phones while in uniform?

The answer to this question is yes provided use of cell phones while in uniform is in compliance with U.S. Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 2101.3.c.(1).(a) through (i):
 Communication devices (e.g. cell phones, blackberries, pagers, etc.) are authorized for use and wear while in uniform (to include walking) in the manner prescribed as follows:
(a) Communication devices shall be conservative in color and design and shall not distract from the appearance of the uniform.
(b) Only one communication device is authorized for wear and can only be worn on the belt of Working and Service Uniforms aft of the elbow.
(c) Wearing of communication devices on service dress uniforms is not authorized.
(d) Communication devices will not be visible from the front and worn in such a manner as to impede the normal wear and appearance of the uniform (e.g. sagging, bunching, bulging, protruding etc.).
(e) Whenever there is a concern for operational security, the authorized use of communication devices shall be at the Commanding Officer's discretion.
(f) The use of portable communication devices shall not interfere with the rendering of military courtesies and Honors nor violate local, state and federal laws.
(g) When not being worn on the Uniform and in use, communication devices will be placed at the side of the leg and in the appropriate hand when rendering salutes, greetings and other military courtesies/honors.
(h) The use of an earpiece, blue tooth technology, headsets or hands-free device while in Uniform indoors or outdoors is prohibited unless specifically authorized for the execution of official duties (e.g. NSW, security personnel, detailers, etc.).
(i) The use of blue tooth technology, headsets and other hands-free devices are only allowed in uniform in a vehicle when authorized by local, state and federal law.  Regional Commanders may further restrict on base use of hands-free devices.

Under what conditions, if any, can Navy personnel wear Under-Armor undershirts?

Navy Uniforms, Uniform Regulations does not authorize Sailors to wear performance or "Under-Armor" brand shirts as an undershirt with the Navy uniform.
U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, Chapter 3, Section 5/6, Article 3603.2, Article 3501.101 and Chapter 6, Section 8, Article 6802.5.b:
"Standard Shirt.  Coyote brown, plain without lettering or designs, made of 100% cotton, quarter-length sleeve, with an elliptical (crew-neck) collar."
“Undershirts shall be brown, cotton, quarter-length sleeve, with an elliptical (crew-neck) collar.  Organization issued or personally purchased thermal underwear is authorized to be worn underneath the NWU Type II undershirt and trousers.  Thermal underwear will not be visible."
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