Beginning in CY2025, ILDC and ALDC will be a prerequisite to take the NWAE for E-6 and E-7. CPO-LDC will be a prerequisite for advancement/selection to E-8 commencing with the FY26 Selection Board.
Foundational Leader Development Course (E3-E4) & Intermediate Leader Development Course (E-5) are 3 days in length and designed to give the Sailor an introduction to Self-Awareness, the Naval Profession, Naval Leadership, and Ethical decision-making. The curriculum is very closely linked to the Navy Core Values and continuously challenges you to align your personal values with the Navy Core Values.
Advanced Leader Development Course (E-6) is four days in length and builds upon the foundational knowledge set in the previous course to further enhance your skills as a leader.
Chief Petty Officer Leader Development Continuum (E-7) is 5 days and is closely linked to the Navy Core Values, CPO Mission Vision and Guiding Principles, Laying the Keel, and Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority.
The Command Navy Leader Development Facilitator Certification Course (C-NLDF) is 5 days and prepares and certifies senior enlisted leaders (Master/Senior/Chief Petty Officers), as command-level facilitators to deliver the courses that make up the Navy Enlisted Leader Development Continuum (NELDC).
CPO-CNLDF The Chief Petty Officer - Command Navy Leader Development Facilitator Certification Course (CPO C-NLDF) develops senior enlisted leaders (Master/Senior Chief Petty Officers) for the delivery of the CPO Course by increasing their level of knowledge and experience in facilitating advanced topics in self-awareness, the naval profession, ethics, decision making, command climate, implicit bias, and emotional toughness. C-NLDF is a prerequisite.