Below is a list of available NMMCPS User Guides which give an in-depth breakdown of the different modules contained within the NMCMPS application. The guides are available to users with elevated access via the download link in the NMCMPS menu .
Overview and Common Features
Provides a description of the system processes and common features.
Order Writing Module (OWM)
The Order Writing module is designed for use by PERS to facilitate all aspects of Active and Reserve Individual Augmentation and Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW) order-writing, including mobilization, demobilization, and extensions.
Processing Module (PM)
The Processing module facilitates the tracking and processing of the activation process and active duty deployment. Tracked functions include medical, dental, legal, pay, delays and exemptions.
Augmentation Management Module (AMM)
The Augmentation Management Module is designed for Supported and Supporting commands, as well as U.S. Navy Headquarters staff to track both Active and Reserve Individual Augmentees. This module facilitates requests for transfers, extensions, and demobilization.
Sourcing Module (SM)
The Sourcing Module is designed for NPC, USFFC and CNRFC to identify Active or Reserve members to fill Requirements, or task Commands to provide nominees.
Requirement Tracking Module (RTM)
The Requirement Tracking Module is designed to collect, route, validate, prioritize, approve/disapprove and track emergent Individual Augmentation requests.