General Description
The Aircrew Program is a six-year enlistment program guaranteeing initial assignment as a flight crewmember in a fixed wing, helicopter or Unmanned Aerial System squadron. The program provides for training via various Class "A" Schools for a specific service rating within the Naval Aircrewman (AW) general rating. Candidates will undergo some of the most demanding physical training offered by the military service in this program. Candidates must volunteer for flying duty, be capable of passing a Class II swim test, and pass an aviation flight physical. Entrance physical examination will be verified for flight qualifications at Recruit Training Command and Naval Aircrewman Candidate School (NACCS).
Service Ratings
Men and Women enlisted in in the Aircrew program will be assigned to one of the following service ratings within the Naval Aircrew program:
Aircrewman Mechanical (AWF): Serves as flight engineer/crew chief/load master on board EP-3, E-6B, MV-22, *C-9, C-12, *C-20, *C-37, *C-40A and *C-130 aircraft. Operates UAS and UAS payloads. Proficient with all in-flight aircraft emergency requirements and knowledgeable with all aircraft flight systems.
* Denotes FTS/SELRES
Aircrewman Operator (AWO): Operates tactical mission systems to detect, classify, track and attack enemy submarines while onboard P-8A and EP-3 aircraft. Operates tactical support center systems at shore installations and tactical mobile systems in expeditionary MTOC units. Operates UAS and UAS payloads.
Aircrewman Tactical Helicopter (AWR): Operates tactical mission systems to detect, classify and attack enemy submarines while onboard MH-60R aircraft. Operates UAS and UAS payloads. Also operates tactical support center systems at shore installations and tactical mobile systems in expeditionary MTOC units. Conduct maritime recovery during Personnel Recovery (PR) missions.
Aircrewman Helicopter (AWS): Serves as the utility aircrewman onboard MH-60S, and MH-53 aircraft operating a wide range of equipment from mine hunting sensors to close in combat weapons systems. Primary maritime recovery specialists during Personnel Recovery (PR) missions. Operates UAS and UAS payloads.
Aircrewman Avionics (AWV): In-Flight technician/trouble shooter on board EP-3 and E-6B aircraft. Maintains and trouble shoots all avionics equipment while in flight. Operates communication systems and electronic warfare equipment onboard E-6B and EP-3 aircraft. Operates UAS and UAS payloads. Operates and maintains tactical support center systems at shore installations and tactical mobile systems in expeditionary MTOC units.
Assignment to a specific class "A" school for a service rating within the program will be made while assigned to Naval Aircrew Candidate School (NACCS) and will be based on the applicant's test scores, needs of the Navy, personal desires, with continued eligibility for the Aicrew Program.
You must meet all eligible requirements:
Your ASVAB scores will be reviewed upon classification at NACCS to ensure further qualification for a specific source rating. Physical Fitness: While in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP), but prior to shipping, Aircrew candidates must pass the Navy's Physical Readiness Test (PRT) with a score of satisfactory-medium for your age and gender (refer to OPNAVINST 6110.1) Aircrew candidates shall sign a Hold Harmless Agreement prior to being administered the PRT. Drug Usage: Use of illegal or controlled substance is cause for application disapproval due to the inherently hazardous nature of this program. Drug waivers will be considered on a case-by-case bases. Citizenship: Must be U.S. citizen. Must have a high school graduate diploma, normal color and depth perception, vision correct to 20/20 in both eyes and correction must be worn. Hearing: In Accordance With MANMED P-117,Article 15-92. No Speech impediment. All applicants will test for "reading aloud" in accordance with MANMED P-117 Article 15-95. Must meet aviation duty minimum and maximum nude body weights as follows, 103 to 245 respectively. Disqualifying: Hay fever, asthma, bee stings, food alergy reaction and chronic motion sickness.
Security Clearance
You must have citizenship and character requirements to be granted a SECRET clearance and meet reliability standards for assignment to the Personal Reliability Program (PRP as specified in SECNAVINST 5510.30).
Training Cycle
Trainees are normally assigned to a Class "A" School immediately after completion of NACCS. The normal training cycle is:
A. Recruit Training
B. Naval Aircrew Candidate School
C. Class "A" School
D. Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS)
E. Initial squadron assignment