If a Sailor who desires to re-enlist does not have a reenlistment quota, please contact the Enlisted Community Manager to discuss options.
General Description
•The duties performed by ITs include designing, installing, operating, and maintaining state-of-the-art information systems technology including local and wide area networks, mainframe, mini and microcomputer systems, and associated peripheral devices.
•Writing programs to handle the collection, manipulation, and distribution of data for a wide variety of applications and requirements.
•Performing the functions of a computer system analyst.
operating and coordinating telecommunications systems including automated networks and the full spectrum of data links and circuits.
•Transmitting, receiving, operating, monitoring, controlling, and processing all forms of telecommunications through various transmission media including global networks.
•Applying diagnostic, corrective, and recovery techniques to all facets of the integrated information systems;
maintaining all necessary logs, files, and publications at the communications center.
•Providing telecommunications and computer-related training and assistance to a wide variety of personnel.