Welcome to the CHC Community Manager’s page. This web page is designed to provide helpful information on the CHC community to include general guidance on accessing into the CHC as well as information for current CHC officers.
***NEW***FY-25 Indefinite Recall Opportunity - Details below
Chaplain Corps (CHC) - For further information regarding the Active Duty Chaplain community please contact the CHC Officer Community Manager.
For Navy Reserve CHC specific information or issues, please contact the SELRES CHC Officer Community Manager
FY-26 Chaplains Career Status Board (CSB):
Candidates for the FY-26 CSB will be identified and contacted in the Spring of 2025.
FY-25 Chaplain Corps Indefinite Recall Opportunity
The Chaplain Corps received a limited number of indefinite recall quotas for Fiscal Year 2025 and is seeking qualified Navy Reserve Component officers seeking a recall to the Active Component (AC) and able to return to active service prior to September 2025.
Rank Requirements: We have been authorized to indefinitely recall two (2) CDRs, six (6) LCDRs, and seventeen (17) LTs/LTJGs (preferably from FY16-FY21).
At this time, interested LCDRs and LTs/LTJGs can continue to submit eligibility requests for FY-25 indefinite recall by following the below INDEF RECALL Process.
NOTE: No retired personnel will be considered for these recalls.
Read MILPERSMAN 1321-105. Pay special attention to Eligibility Criteria (paragraphs 4 and 5)
Complete these two documents: INDEF RECALL Eligibility Cover Letter and the NAVPERS 1331-5 (05-24)
Submit via encrypted email to the Active Duty CHC OCM and AOCM or send via DoD SAFE (ensure you use the Pass Phrase as described in the CHC INDEFINITE RECALL OPPORTUNITY PDF above)
Only after you receive eligibility confirmation, will you assemble your recall package. Guidance will be given to you at that time.