How is High Year Tenure (HYT) determined?
The Ready Reserve (SELRES, IRR (VTU and ASP), and USNR-S1) HYT limiting gates are different from Active Duty (ACDU) limiting gates. Ready Reserve gates are computed by combining the number of years of active and inactive Federal military service, regardless of branch, from the Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD). The current Ready Reserve HYT tenure limits are listed below:
* E-1/2/3 not eligible for HYT Waiver
How do I apply for a waiver?
Submit your NAVPERS 1306/7 request to appropriate POC in writing in the format cited in MILPERSMAN 1160-120. Your request must contain a command endorsement.
VTU/IRR POC: Region: (All Regions)
I will hit my HYT limiting gate this year. How does this affect my opportunity to compete for advancement?
When a member is transferred to the VTU or IRR because of HYT, they are no longer eligible for advancement. For additional information on how HYT impacts advancement, please review the appropriate advancement NAVADMINS.
Can I perform Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW) while in a HYT status?
Yes. HYT is not an eligibility factor for ADSW orders
What are the criteria for a waiver?
The key criteria is overall force manning for a particular rate. Additional factors such as critical NECs, unit manning, and unique operational requirements are also considered.
I have been told that I will not be allowed to go on AT this fiscal year because of HYT.
How do I get a waiver?
As a matter of policy, COMNAVRESFORCOM does not normally allow members subject to HYT to perform AT during the fiscal year prior to being transferred to non-pay. If a member has been denied a HYT waiver by PERS-913, the only recourse is to request a policy waiver from COMNAVRESFORCOM to perform AT while in HYT status.
My HYT limiting gate is coming up, but I do not have 20 qualifying years towards retirement yet. What can I do?
Apply for a HYT waiver. If the waiver is denied you may continue to drill in the VTU or complete correspondence courses in the IRR to earn qualifying years towards retirement.