Access to CORMIS is only available via BUPERS Online.
Commercial: (901) 874-4907
DSN: 882-4907
Email: CORMIS Help Desk
Functional/Technical Manager - (901) 874-4436
Reporting Systems Manager - (901) 874-4436
Send trouble tickets via email to: CORMIS Help Desk
Attach a screenshot of the error message and/or describe the issue, in detail, you are having.
To perform this action: press "Alt" and "Print Scrn" together, then open MS Word, press "Ctrl" and "V" together to paste the screen shot in the Word Document.
Save the document where you can find it (desktop) and give it a name you will recognize. In the email, tell us what you were attempting to accomplish and what happened. The more detailed the information provided in your email, the faster we will be able to assist you in resolving the issue.
Next, attach the screenshot you saved.