The Office of Legal Counsel (BUPERS-00J) serves as the principal advisor and staff assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel (DEPCHNAVPERS)/Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM) concerning the interpretation and application of law and policy. BUPERS-00J provides legal advice to Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) Millington, Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), field activities, and the fleet on military personnel law.
We have established an e-mail account to receive field inquiries from Staff Judge Advocates, Legal Officers, and Defense Counsel to provide more streamlined assistance on various NPC-related legal issues. Please direct those questions to:
NOTE: Our office does not provide legal assistance services, including advice or representation on matters such as estate planning, family law, immigration, taxes, landlord-tenant issues, or military benefits. For questions regarding such matters, please contact your Region Legal Service Office (RLSO).