The FY26 CDR CMD Board is complete.
Contact your detailer for any specific questions.
PERS-410/411 Assignment Branch
- PERS 410- PCC Detailer details Post CMD Commanders (CDR Mike Bencini)
- PERS 410B- CDR CMD Detailer details CDR CMD (Afloat/SM) screened Officers through CDR CMD (LCDR Aaron Jochimsen)
- PERS 411A- XO Detailer details XO milestone screened Officers until they screen for new milestone/promote/retire (CDR Antonio Jones)
- PERS-411B - (Last Names A-K) details Post Department Heads/Professional Staff Officers (O4/O5) until they screen for CO or XO milestone (LCDR Ben Kozlowski)
- PERS 411C - (Last Names L-Z) details Post Department Heads/Professional Staff Officers (O4/O5) until they screen for CO or XO milestone (LCDR Alex Schneider)
War College
If you are interested in a War College for a Masters/JPME Phase 1 or both, let your detailer know and we can verify timing.
War College Seats are available but limited. Check to see if your PRD window matches class convenings.
CDR/LCDR Downstream Fills FEB 2025
The DSF includes a number of hotfill billets, which take TOP priority during the reconciliation process. Interested in a Nominative billet? Let your detailer know if you’d consider a high speed, high reward position like executive assistant, flag aide, or flag secretary on a Flag or General Officer’s front office team. We consistently receive inputs for nominative billets, so if it’s not listed on the DSF, not to worry, just let your detailer know if you’re interested.
FEB reconciliation, with PRDs out to OCT 2025.
7 FEB: DSF list emailed to rollers and posted to NPC Website
14 FEB: Preferences due back to your Detailer
28 FEB: Reconciliation results released (Due to PII concerns, we are unable to post slate results)
How to Read the Downstream Fills:
Hot Fills - Gapped or short notice fills at high priority commands. Being reconciled to a hot fill does not mean that you will be immediately pulled for fill.
Fill Date - The date by which the gaining command wants the prospective officer on station. If Fill Date is expired, the billet may be gapped. Format is Year Month, i.e., 0307 indicates 2003 July.
CMD - The command name (frequently acronym or DICNAVAB format).
Billet - A brief description or job title.
UIC - Unit Identification Code
BSC - Billet Sequence Code
DESIG - Billet is coded for 1110, 1050 (any URL), 1000 (any Officer)
HPORT - Geographic location or homeport of the command
AQD - Additional Qualification Designation Codes which can be found in NAVPERS 15839I
Notes: These jobs are subject to frequent and rapid change.
While a BSC may not list a specific AQD, subspecialty, or seniority level, the command may be looking for someone with particular skills to meet emerging requirements.
Many of these jobs require informal (if not formal) approval by the gaining command.
Color Codes