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Description Article
Uniform Requirements (Officers/CPOs) 3101.1
Uniform Requirements (E1-E6) 3101.2
Authorized Fabrics 3101.3
Inspections 3101.4
Ownership Markings 3101.5
U.S. Navy Embroidered Tapes 3101.6
Transfer of Clothing 3101.7
Restrictions 3101.8
Non-Availability of Women’s Uniform Items 3101.9
Uniform Requirements for Men (E1 – E6) Table 3-1-1
Uniform Requirements for Women (E1 – E6) Table 3-1-2
Fabric Chart Table 3-1-3
Active Component (AC) Seabag Requirement List   

Article 3101.1, Uniform Requirements (Officers/CPOs)

Officers and Chief Petty Officers are responsible for buying and maintaining uniforms appropriate to their assigned duties and as required by their prescribing authority.  There is no minimum number of Uniforms required to be in their possession.  Sufficient quantities of Uniform items will be procured and maintained to ensure high standards of personal hygiene and appearance.  Because of high visibility in leadership positions, high standards of neatness and cleanliness are expected and must be maintained.

Article 3101.2 Uniform Requirements (E6 and Below)

Initial Uniform requirements for enlisted personnel will be provided at Recruit Training Command.  Initial issue of clothing articles to meet enlisted personnel uniform requirements will comply with DoD Directive 1338.5 and DoD Instruction 1338.18 (Armed Forces Clothing Monetary Allowance Procedures).  Individuals are responsible for properly maintaining uniforms appropriate to assigned duties.  Minimum numbers of uniform components required are listed in Tables 3-1-1 and 3-1-2.

Article 3101.3 Authorized Fabrics

Only those fabrics which are approved by the Chief of Naval Operations are authorized for the manufacture of naval uniforms.  Approved fabrics are listed in Table 3-1-3.

Article 3101.4 Inspections

Commanding officers will require clothing of all E1/E2/E3 personnel to be inspected at regular intervals to insure that each person possesses the required Seabag.  Clothing of petty officers (E4/E5/E6) may be in­spected on an individual basis as appropriate.  Only those items listed in Tables 3-1-1 and 3-1-2, may be required for uniform seabag inspection.  Prior to transfer to another ship or station the seabag of all E1/E2/E3 personnel will be inspected and the individual will be required to have at least the items and quantities indicated in Tables 3-1-1 and 3-1-2.

Article 3101.5 Ownership Markings

a. Stencil.  Uniform components of E1-E6 personnel will have ownership markings.  Markings will be a stencil consisting of Owner’s surname, First and Middle initial (if applicable).  Ownership markings will be placed inside the garment as outlined in Navy Uniform Regulations Chapter 3, section 5/6, unless directed otherwise.  Stencil letters will be approximately 3/8 inch high blocked letters.  Markings will be black on white uniforms, and white on blue uniforms. The use of name accents is authorized.

b. Embroidery.  Embroidered letters on Nametapes will be approximately 3/4 inch high blocked letters.  Names exceedingly long can be embroidered in approximately 1/2 inch letters.  Nametapes will match the color and fabric of the uniform component being worn.  Length of nametapes will be equal to the width of the pocket Nametapes for Navy Coveralls (refer to article 3501.18) will be embroidered in gold for officers and CPOs and silver for E1-E6 Sailors except for Navy Working Uniforms.  Nametapes for NWU will be embroidered in black for NWU type III and spice Brown for NWU Type II.  The use of name accents is authorized.

Article 3101.6 U.S. Navy Embroidered Tapes

NWUs are required to have U.S. NAVY tape worn flush over the wearer’s Left breast pocket.  The length of the embroidered tape will be equal to the width of the pocket. Lettering size and color will be in accordance with article 3101.5.

Article 3101.7 Transfer of Clothing

No transfer or exchange of an enlisted person's Uniform clothing will be made without the Commanding Officer's authorization.  When such transfers or exchanges are authorized, or when clothing belonging to deserters is sold, on the inside of the garment as outlined in Section 5 of this Chapter, the name of the former owner will be obliterated with a Red "D.C." (Discarded) stamp.  Purchaser's name will be placed above, below, or next to it.

Article 3101.8 Restrictions

All Naval Personnel will maintain required Uniforms and are forbidden to wear other than the Authorized Uniform or Insignia of their respective Grade, Corps, or Rating, or to wear Decorations, Medals, Badges, or Ribbons in any way other than that prescribed.

Article 3101.9 Non-Availability of Women's Uniform Items

Navy Uniform Shops and Ships' Stores are available to order "Special Fit" uniforms for women.  In the event that special ordering uniform items is not practical, navy women are authorized to wear the following male uniform items: 

  • Outer garments, including Overcoat, All-Weather Coat, Peacoat/Reefer, Jackets and Sweaters

  • Shoes (service and safety)

  • Rating Badges

  • Belts and Buckles

  • Trousers, Khaki, Service (male) with Khaki overblouse only (female officer and CPOs)  

The wear of these items is optional and they may continue to be worn as long as serviceable. 

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