1. PROVISIONS FOR WEAR. A maximum of two identification badges may be worn at a time (e.g. Joint Staff, OSD, etc.) on all Service, Service Dress, Full Dress and Dinner/Formal Dress uniforms. If qualified to wear more than one badge, wear the badge representing present (incumbent assignment), and most recent assignment authorized. Attach badges directly to the uniform. Do not hang them on the uniform by key chains or material backings, etc.
Presidential Service Badge
Vice Presidential Service Badge
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Navy Fleet/Force/Command Senior Enlisted Leader
Recruiting Command
Career Counselor
Recruit Division Commander
Merchant Marine Service Emblem
MAA/Law Enforcement Badge
Joint/Unified Command Identification Badges
Navy War College (NWC) Alumni Badge
a. Presidential Service Badge
(1) Eligibility. This badge is authorized to be worn by personnel detailed to duty in the White House who have been awarded a Presidential Service Certificate.
(2) Description. Consists of a replica of the coat of arms of the President of the United States in gold, encircled with 50 silver stars, on a blue enamel disk with the outer edge of gold rays radiating from the center, 1-3/4 inches in diameter (figure 5101.3a-1).
Figure 5101.3a-1
Presidential Service Badge
(3) Correct Wear. The badge may be worn on all uniforms other than working uniforms. This badge may be worn during and after the period of detail.
(a) Men. Wear on the right side. On pockets with flaps, center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the sides. On uniforms without a right breast pocket, center the identification badge on the right side in a position corresponding to other badges worn on the left of the uniform (article 5101.3c(3)). On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the right side in a position corresponding to other badges worn on the left of full dress uniforms (article 5101.3c(3)). When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(c) Formal and Dinner Dress Uniforms. Men and women center badge on the right lapel, so the top of the badge is aligned with the top of the upper row of miniature medals.
b. Vice Presidential Service Badge
(1) Eligibility. This badge is authorized to be worn by personnel detailed to duty in the Office of the Vice President and who have been awarded a Vice Presidential Service Certificate.
(2) Description. Consists of a white enameled disc surrounded by 27 gold rays radiating from the center, 1-15/16 inches in diameter. A gold device taken from the seal of the Vice President of the United States is in the center of the white disc (figure 5101.3b-1).
Figure 5101.3b-1
Vice Presidential Service Badge
(3) Correct Wear. Wear the designated size badge per paragraph (d) in this section. The badge may be worn on all uniforms other than working uniforms. The badge may be worn during and after the period of detail.
(a) Men. Wear on the right side. On pockets with flaps, center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the sides. On uniforms without a right breast pocket, center the identification badge on the right side in a position corresponding to other badges worn on the left of the uniform (article 5101.3c(3)). On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the right in a position corresponding to badges worn on the left for full dress (article 5101.3.c (3)). When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(c) Formal and Dinner Dress Uniforms. Men and women center badge on the right lapel, so the top of the badge is aligned with the top of the upper row of miniature medals.
c. Office of the Secretary of Defense
(1) Eligibility. This badge is authorized to be worn by personnel who have received a certificate of eligibility from the Office of the Secretary of Defense authorizing them to wear the insignia.
(2) Description. Consists of a gold spread eagle grasping three gold crossed arrows, and an enamel shield with 13 red and white stripes and a blue chief, surcharged on its breast; passing behind the wing tips is a gold amulet bearing 13 gold stars above the eagle; a wreath of laurel and a green enamel olive is below the eagle, the whole is superimposed on a silver sunburst of 33 rays, approximately 2 inches in diameter. Miniature badges are approximately 1-1/2 inches in diameter (figure 5101.3c-1).

Figure 5101.3c-1
Office of the Secretary of Defense Badge
(3) Correct Wear. Wear the designated size badge per paragraph (d) in this section. The badge may be worn on all uniforms other than working uniforms. This badge may be worn during and after the period of detail.
(a) Men. Wear on the left side. On uniform with pockets flaps, center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the left pocket, midway between the sides (figure 5-1-1). On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, incumbents do not wear the secondary breast insignia. Post-tour personnel may wear either the identification badge or secondary breast insignia. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(c) Formal and Dinner Dress Uniforms. Men and women center badge 1/4 inch below the lowest row of miniature medals or secondary breast insignia.
(d) Correct Size Badge
(Incumbent and Post-Tour Personnel)
Miniature Regular
Formal Dress Full Dress
Dinner Dress Service Dress
Service Khaki
Summer White
E1-E6 Service Uniform
d. Joint Chiefs of Staff
(1) Eligibility. This badge is authorized for personnel designated in CJCSI 1100.01 (series).
(2) Description. Regular badge, approximately 2-1/4 inches by 2 inches, consists of an oval silver metal wreath of laurel with the United States shield, (the Chief in blue enamel and the 13 stripes alternating white and red enamel) on four gold metal unsheathed swords. Two swords are in pale and two are in saltire with points to Chief, the points and pommels resting on the wreath, the blades and grips entwined with a gold metal continuous scroll surrounding the shield with the word JOINT at the top and the words CHIEFS OF STAFF at the bottom, all tin blue enamel letters (figure 5101.3d-1). Miniature badges are approximately 1-1/2 inches in diameter.

Figure 5101.3d-1
Joint Chiefs of Staff Badge
(3) Correct Wear. Wear the designated size badge per paragraph (d) in this section. The badge may be worn on all uniforms other than working uniforms. This badge may be worn during and after the period of detail.
(a) Men. Wear on the left side. On uniforms with pocket flaps, center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the left pocket, midway between the sides (figure 5-1-1). On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, incumbents do not wear the secondary breast insignia. Post-tour personnel may wear either the identification badge or secondary breast insignia. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the nametag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(c) Formal and Dinner Dress Uniforms. Men and women center badge 1/4 inch below the lowest row of miniature medals or secondary breast insignia.
(d) Correct Size Badge
(Incumbent and Post-Tour Personnel)
Miniature Regular
Formal Dress Full Dress
Dinner Dress Service Dress
Service Khaki
Summer White
E1-E6 Service Uniform
e. Navy, Fleet, Force and Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Identification Badges
(1) Eligibility. This badge is worn by all military personnel assigned to and performing the duties of Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON), Fleet Master Chief (FLTCM), Force Master Chief (FORCM), Command Master Chief (CMC) (NEC 8CMC), Chief of the Boat (COB) (NEC 8COB), Command Senior Chief (CSC) (NEC 8CSC), and collateral duty Command Master Chief, Command Senior Chief and Command Chief. Per OPNAVINST 1306.2 (series), commands with designated collateral duty Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (CSELs) will wear the appropriate Command Master, Senior, or Chief badge while functioning in that capacity only. Post-tour wear is not authorized for collateral duty CSELs.
(2) Description. Regular size badges are approximately 1-3/4 inches by 1-3/8 inches. Miniature size badges are approximately 3/4 inches by 7/8 inches. Badges are oval and bordered with a gold chain. The appropriate rate device and identifying silver plate, with applicable raised silver lettering ("Navy", "Fleet", "Force", or "Command"), are centered on a brushed gold background (figure 5101.3e-1). Miniature badges are approximately one-half the size of the regular badge (figure 5101.3e-2). NWU Type III embroidered badges are green with black stitching (figure 5101.3e-3).
Figure 5101.3e-2
Miniature Size CSEL Identification Badges
(3) Correct Wear. Only one Command Senior Enlisted Leader Identification Badge may be worn at any one time. The badge may be worn during and after the period of detail, except for collateral duty CSELs (who may wear the badge only while designated as CSEL). Wear embroidered badges on the Navy Working Uniform and wear metal badges on all other uniforms as authorized.
(a) Incumbents. The regular size Command Senior Enlisted Leader Identification Badge will be worn on all uniforms except the Dinner Dress Uniforms (wear miniature size).
1. Men. Wear on the wearer’s left pocket. On pockets with flaps (except NWU), center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the pocket edges. On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On the full dress uniforms, center the badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, do not wear the secondary breast insignia. On the NWU, wear the badge centered on the wearer’s left shirt pocket flap, and no other device is authorized for wear on the pocket flap (figure 5-1-2). When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
2. Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the wearer’s right breast pocket. On uniforms without breast pockets, place the badge in the same relative position as ribbons/medals. When wearing a name tag, center the device 1/4 inch above name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. As an option, the CSEL identification badge may be worn centered on the wearer’s left breast pocket. On pockets with flaps (except NWU), center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the sides. On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the secondary breast insignia, if authorized. The badge will be worn in such manner to preserve the dignity and appearance of the Navy uniform. On the NWU, wear the badge centered on the wearer’s left shirt pocket flap, and no other device is authorized for wear on the pocket flap (figure 5-1-2). When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
3. Dinner Dress Uniforms. Men and women wear the miniature size badge 1/4 inch below the lowest row of miniature medals or secondary breast insignia.
(b) Post-tour. Command Senior Enlisted Leaders holding a valid 8CMC/8COB/8CSC NEC who are not assigned to an 8CMC/8COB/8CSC billet may wear the miniature CSEL identification badge as described below. Post-tour wear is not authorized for collateral duty CSELs.
1. Men and women wear post tour CSEL badge in the same position as incumbent CSEL badge is worn
2. When wearing full dress uniforms, men center the badge 1/4 inch below the lower of either the medals or secondary breast insignia. Women, center the badge 1/4 inch above the left pocket, medals or primary breast insignia.
3. Post-tour wear on dinner dress and working uniforms is not authorized.
(c) When wearing full dress white, the combination of breast insignia, medals, and identification badge will not extend below the lower seam of the pocket for males. For females, they will not extend lower than the fourth button on the Service Dress White Coat.
f. Recruiting Command
(1) Eligibility. This badge is worn by all military personnel while assigned to duty with the Navy Recruiting Command. In addition, COMNAVCRUITCOM and COMNAVRESFOR recruiting personnel and PCN-1 (Recruit Procurement) instructors may be authorized by their respective commands to wear the Recruiting Command Identification Badge during recruiting duty or recruiter instructor duty.
(2) Description. A metal or embroidered badge with embossed or stitched around the outer area with the wording "United States Navy," "Recruiting Command" and two stars. The center of the badge contains an eagle design, similar to the Bureau of Naval Personnel seal, and is approximately 2 inches in diameter (figure 5101.3f-1). Excellent performance meeting criteria set by COMNAVCRUITCOM is acknowledged with the addition of a gold metallic wreath and gold or silver stars (figure 5101.3f-2). The embroidered badge may be worn on the NWU Type III only and will contain black stitching on matching NWU pattern fabric, but without black pixels (figure 5101.3f-3). The embroidered badge is centered on square fabric with no more than 1/4 inch fabric extending from the outer area of the badge embroidery. All recruiters, officer and enlisted, serving in assigned recruiting billets in the direct recruiting production chain are eligible for the gold wreath award. Subsequent awards are signified by silver stars added to the wreath and a gold star is issued in lieu of three silver stars. Wear the wreath only while assigned to recruiting billets designated by COMNAVCRUITCOM.
Figure 5101.3f-1
Recruiting Command Badge
Figure 5101.3f-2
Recruiting Command Badge (with Gold Wreath)
Figure 5101.3f-3
Recruiting Command Badge (NWU type III)
Figure 5101.3f-4
Post Tour Recruiting Command Badge
(3) Correct Wear. The metal badge may be worn on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons, during, and after the period of assignment. The regular size medal badge and the embroidered badge may only be worn on the NWU Type III during the period of assignment as specified in this section.
(a) Men. Wear on the wearer’s left pocket. On pockets with flaps, center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the pocket edges (figure 5-1-1). On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, do not wear the secondary breast insignia. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the nametag. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(4) Post Tour Wear
(a) Effective through 31 December 2024, men and women wear the regular size Recruiting Command ID badge in the same position as incumbents.
(b) Effective 1 January 2025, men and women will wear a miniature size Recruiting Command ID badge, approximately 1 7/16 inches in diameter, (figure 5101.3f-4) to denote post tour status. The miniature ID badge will be worn on the uniform in the same position as the regular size badge.
(c) Post tour wear of the Recruiting Command ID badge is authorized only on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons.
g. Career Counselor
(1) Eligibility.
(a) The metal and embroidered ID badge may be worn by all personnel in the Navy Counselor (NC) rating assigned as Command Career Counselor, all personnel possessing NEC 806R (Career Information Program Advisor) designated in writing as the Command Career Counselor, and Instructors of Command Career Counselor Course (CIN): (A-501-0011) and (R-501-0005).
(b) Additionally, active and reserve component personnel possessing NEC 807R (Reserve Career Information Program Advisor) and designated in writing as Command or Unit Career Counselor at a Naval Reserve Activity who have successfully completed the Career Information Course (CIN: R-501-0005) are authorized to wear the badge.
(c) The metal and embroidered badge may also be worn by commanding officers, executive officers, and officers designated full-time retention officers on the staffs of the Chief of Naval Operations, fleet commanders-in-chief, and type commanders. Those eligible to wear both Career Counselor and Navy Fleet/Force/Command Master Chief badges may only wear the latter unless specific permission to wear both has been granted by the Chief of Naval Operations.
(2) Description. A metal or embroidered badge with the “United States Navy” “Career Counselor”, and two stars embossed or stitched as appropriate around the outer area of the face of the badge. The lettering on the metal badge is gold and set in a blue background. The center of the badge contains an eagle design, similar to the Bureau of Naval Personnel seal, and is approximately 2 inches in diameter (figure 5101.3g-1). The embroidered badge contains black stitching on matching NWU Type III fabric, but without black pixels (figure 5101.3.g,-2). The embroidery of the badge is centered on a square patch with no more than 1/4 inch of fabric extending beyond the circular stitching.
Figure 5101.3g-1
Career Counselor Badge
Figure 5101.3g-2
Career Counselor Badge (NWU Type III)
Figure 5101.3g-3
Post Tour Career Counselor Badge
(3) Correct Wear. The metal badge may be worn on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons, during and after the period of assignment. The embroidered badge may only be worn on the NWU Type III during the period of assignment.
(a) Men. Wear on the wearer’s left pocket. On pockets with flaps (except NWU), center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the left pocket, midway between the sides (figure 5-1-1). On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, do not wear the secondary breast insignia. On the NWU, wear the badge centered on the wearer’s left shirt pocket flap, and no other device is authorized for wear on the pocket flap (figure 5-1-2). When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (except NWU) (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. On the NWU, wear the badge centered on the wearer’s left shirt pocket flap, and no other device is authorized for wear on the pocket flap (figure 5-1-2). When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(4) Post Tour Wear
(a) Effective through 31 December 2024, men and women may wear the regular size Career Counselor ID badge in the same position for incumbent wear.
(b) Effective 1 January 2025, men and women will wear a miniature size Career Counselor ID badge, approximately 1 7/16 inches in diameter, (figure 5101.3g-3) to denote post tour status. Miniature ID badges are not authorized or wear on the NWU Type III.
(c) Post tour wear of the Career Counselor ID badge is authorized only on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons.
h. Recruit Division Commander Badge and Gold Wreath Award
(1) Eligibility. The Recruit Division Commander (RDC) badge is worn by all personnel possessing NEC 8RDC and assigned to duty as a Recruit Division Commander at a Recruit Training Command. The Gold Wreath of Excellence is worn by RDCs (NEC 8RDC) who demonstrate sustained performance of excellence that meets criteria set by the commanding officer, Recruit Training Command.
(2) Description. The metal badge is a gold rope that borders the RDC badge. A black band inside the gold rope is embossed in gold lettering with the words "Division Commander". The center contains an eagle design, similar to the Bureau of Naval Personnel Seal, on a white background encircled by gold link, and approximately 2 inches in diameter (figure 5101.3h-1). On the Gold Wreath Award, a gold wreath borders the badge. A white scroll with the word "Excellence" in gold inside the gold wreath is embossed in gold lettering with the words "Division Commander". The center contains an eagle design, similar to the Bureau of Naval Personnel Seal, on a white background encircled by gold link (figure 5101.3h-2). The embroidered badge is worn on the NWU Type III with black stitching on matching NWU pattern fabric, but without black pixels (figure 5101.3h-3). The shape and size of the fabric on which the badge is embroidered will be square, and the approximate size of the metal badge with no more than 1/4 inch of fabric on either side of the embroidery.
Figure 5101.3h-1
Recruit Division Commander Badge
Figure 5101.3h-2
Gold Wreath of Excellence
Figure 5101.3h-3
Recruit Division Commander Badge (NWU Type III)
Figure 5101.3h-4
Post Tour Recruit Division Commander Badge
(3) Correct Wear. The metal badge may be worn on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons during and after the period of assignment. The embroidered badge may only be worn on NWU Type III during the period of assignment.
(a) Men. Wear on the wearer’s left pocket. On pockets with flaps (except NWU), center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the left pocket, midway between the sides (figure 5-1-1). On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, do not wear the identification badge. On the NWU, center the metal identification badge on the wearer’s left pocket flap (Figure 5-1-2). Only one device can be worn on the pocket flap. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (except NWU)(figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the nametag (except NWU). On the NWU, center the metal identification badge on the wearer’s left pocket flap (Figure 5-1-2). Only one device can be worn on the pocket flap. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(4) Post Tour Wear. The metal badge may be worn on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons during and after the period of assignment. The embroidered badge may only be worn on NWU Type III during the period of assignment.
(a) Effective through 31 December 2024, men and women wear the regular size Recruit Division Commander ID badge in the same position as incumbents.
(b) Effective 1 January 2025, men and women will wear a miniature size Recruiting Command ID badge, approximately 1 7/16 inches in diameter, (figure 5101.3h-4) to denote post tour status. Miniature ID badges are not authorized or wear on the NWU Type III.
(c) Post tour wear of the Recruit Division Commander ID badge is authorized only on uniforms requiring large medals or ribbons.
i. Merchant Marine Service Emblem
(1) Eligibility. Issued to active merchant seamen for service from December 7, 1941 to July 25, 1947.
(2) Description. A circular, gold metal emblem, 1 inch in diameter, with a gold anchor superimposed in the center of a silver federal shield. UNITED STATES MERCHANT MARINE is inscribed around the device (figure 5101.3i-1).

Figure 5101.3i-1
Merchant Marine Service Emblem
(3) Correct Wear. Wear the designated size badge per paragraph (d) in this section. The badge may be worn on all uniforms other than working uniforms. Post-tour wear is authorized.
(a) Men. Wear on the wearer’s left pocket. On pockets with flaps, center the badge between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the left pocket, midway between the sides (figure 5-1-1). On pockets without flaps, center the badge on the pocket. On full dress uniforms, center the identification badge on the left pocket 1/4 inch below the lowest row of medals or below the second breast insignia, if authorized. If breast insignia, medals and identification badge combined cause the identification badge to be positioned on or below the lower seam of the pocket, do not wear the identification badge. When wearing dual ID badges, refer to Article 5101.4.
(b) Women. Wear centered 1/4 inch above the left coat/jumper/shirt pocket or 1/4 inch above authorized ribbons/large medals/breast insignia (figure 5-1-1). Identification badges may optionally be worn on the corresponding right side of the coat, jumper or shirt centered 1/4 inch above the name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. When wearing dual ID badges refer to Article 5101.4.
(c) Formal and Dinner Dress Uniforms. Center the badge 1/4 inch below the lowest row of miniature medals.
(d) Correct Size Badge
(Incumbent and post-tour personnel)
Miniature Regular
Formal Dress Full Dress
Dinner Dress Service Dress
Service Khaki
Summer White
E1-E6 Service Uniform
j. Navy Security Force Identification Badges
(1) Description. U.S. Navy Security Force Identification badge/patch will be standardized in design and color reflecting three categories of security duties: U.S. Navy Security Forces, U.S. Navy Corrections Specialist and U.S. Navy Chief Master-At-Arms. Security Badges will be metal (figure 5101.3j-1) or embroidered patches (figure 5101.3j-2), gold in color, black lettering and approximately 2 1/2 inch in height by 1 3/4 inch in width. Metal badges will be stamped with raised insignia. The face of the badge/patch will have a right facing eagle perched atop a wreathed shield.
(a) Navy Security Forces (NSF): The top scroll (line 1) will be stamped U.S. Navy; The second scroll (line 2) will be stamped security; The third scroll (line 3) will be stamped forces; and the fourth scroll (line 4) will be engraved with a four digit number by Defense Logistics Agency Support (DLA-TS). The centerpiece will be the master-at-arms (MA) rating insignia. The fourth scroll of the embroidered patch will have a black embossed star vice a four-digit number.
(b) Corrections Specialist: The top scroll (line 1) will be stamped U.S. Navy; the second scroll (line 2) will be stamped corrections; the third scroll (line 3) will be stamped specialist; and fourth scroll (line 4) will have black embossed star. The centerpiece will be a fouled anchor.
(c) Chief Master-At-Arms (CMAA): The top scroll (line 1) will be stamped U.S. Navy; the second scroll (line 2) will be stamped CMAA, the third scroll (line 3) will be blank; and fourth scroll (line 4) will have a black embossed star. The centerpiece will be a fouled anchor.

Figure 5101.3j-1
Metal Navy Security Force Badges

Figure 5101.3j-2
Embroidered Navy Security Force Badges
(2) Occasion for wear. The U.S. Navy identification badge/patch will be standardized as follows:
(a) Navy Security Forces (NSF) badge/patch. All security LDO/CWO (649X/749X) and rated Master-At-Arms will wear the NSF badge/patch for the duration of their duty within the security career path. Personnel who change designators or rating out of the NSF career field will no longer be authorized to wear the NSF badge/patch.
(b) Corrections Specialist badge/patch. All personnel assigned NECs P08A, 826A, or 810A are authorized to wear the Corrections Specialist badge/patch for the duration of their assignment.
(c) Chief Master-At-Arms (CMAA) badge/patch. Personnel assigned Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to CMAA duties will be authorized to wear the CMAA badge/patch for the duration of their assignment.
(3) Correct wear. Metal badges will be worn on all uniforms (see Navy Working Uniform wear below), centered one quarter of an inch above the right breast pocket or name tag, as applicable (figure 5101.3j-3). On uniforms without a right breast pocket, place it in the same relative position as the ribbons/medals (figures 5101.3j-4 and 5101.3j-5). When wearing a name tag, center the badge 1/4 inch above the name tag or 1/4 inch above the pocket without the name tag. On the NWU Type III, metal badges are worn centered above the wearer’s right breast pocket, 1/4 inch above the nametape and embroidered patches are centered above and flush with the wearer's nametape.

Figure 5101.3j-3
Placement of Navy Security Force Badges (Uniforms with Pocket Flaps)

Figure 5101.3j-4
Placement of Navy Security Force Badges (Uniforms without pocket Flaps)

Figure 5101.3j-5
Placement of Navy Security Force Badges (Uniforms without Pockets)
(4) Ordering Information. Navy Security Forces identification badges are managed by Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support (DLA-TS); metal and embroidered security badges may be procured via FEDMALL or Standard Navy Requisitioning. NSNs are provided below for ease of reference.
(a) Navy Security Forces Badge NSNs are: 8455-01-617-6192 (metal); 8455-01-617-6354 (embroidery).
(b) Command Master at Arms Badge NSNs are: 8455-01-617-6194 (metal); 8455-01-617-6358 (embroidery).
(c) Corrections Specialist Badge NSNs are: 8455-01-617-6200 (metal); 8455-010-617-6360 (embroidery).
k. Joint/Unified Command Identification Badges.
(1) Sailors assigned to Joint/Unified commands (to include NATO) are authorized to wear the identification badge of that command during the period of assignment only. Joint/Unified command identification badges will be worn on authorized uniforms in the same manner as prescribed for the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff badges.
l. Navy War College (NWC) Badge
Navy War College (NWC) Alumni badge may now be worn as an optional uniform identification badge on service and full dress uniforms in accordance with Section 1, Chapter 5 of reference (a) with the following provisions:
(1) Eligibility. Any NWC graduate of an in-residence or distance educations JPME-granting course.
(2) Badge Description. Metal, circular, 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch badge presenting the NWC trident and shield, colored in blue, white, and gold.

Figure 5101.3k-1
Navy War College Badge
(3) Occasion of wear. Formal and informal NWC alumni events and partnership engagements where attendees include U.S. and international graduates from NWC. Due to the size of the badge, it is not authorized for wear in dinner dress uniforms.
(4) Manner of wear. For individual badge wear, the NWC will be worn on Service Dress and Full Dress Uniforms in the same manner prescribed for the wear of the Office of the Secretary of Defense or Joint Chiefs of Staff ID badges. For dual ID badge wear, refer to chapter 5, section 1, article 5101.4 of reference (a). Wearing of NWC ID badges does not take precedence over incumbent assignment ID badge wear requirements.
4. Dual Identification Badge Manner of Wear
a. Men. On uniforms with pocket flaps, center one badge on each pocket between the lower point of the flap and bottom of the pocket, midway between the sides. On pockets without flaps, center one badge on each pocket. On Full Dress Uniforms, center the ID badge on the right in a position corresponding to the level of the ID badge on the left. On Dinner/Formal Dress Uniforms, place the ID badge or badges horizontally and centered on the right breast area of the uniform, so that the badges are upright and the bottom of the badges are aligned with the top of the lowest row miniature medals. When wearing two ID badges horizontally side by side on Dinner/Formal Uniforms, place a 1/8 to 1/4 inch gap between the badge.

Figure 5101.4a-1
Male Uniform with Pocket Flaps Dual ID Badge

Figure 5101.4a-2
Male Full Dress Dual ID Badge

Figure 5101.4a-3
Male Dinner Dress Blue Dual ID Badge

Figure 5101.4a-4
Male Dinner Dress Blue and White Jacket Dual ID Badge

Figure 5101.4a-5
Male/Female Dinner Dress Jumper
b. Women. Both ID badges will be worn on the right side of the uniform. On pockets with flaps, center ID badges horizontally 1/4 inch above the right pocket or 1/4 inch above the name tag or ribbons (for Full Dress). For uniforms without pockets or pocket flaps, place the ID badges in the same relative location as in the manner of wear of uniforms with pocket flaps. Optionally, the two ID badges may be worn 1/4 inch below the top of the pocket or the same relative area corresponding to uniforms without pockets. On Dinner/Formal Dress Uniforms, place the ID badge or badges horizontally and centered on the right breast area of the uniform, so that the badges are upright and the bottom of the badges are aligned with the top of the lowest row miniature medals. When wearing two ID badges horizontally side by side, place a 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch gap between the badges.
Figure 5101.4b-1
Female Uniform with Pocket Flaps Dual ID Badge (Optional wear)
Figure 5101.4b-2
Female Uniform with Pocket Flaps Dual ID Badge (Optional wear)
Figure 5101.4b-3
Female Uniform without Pocket Flaps Dual ID Badge (Optional wear)
Figure 5101.4b-7
Female Dinner Dress Blue and White Jacket Dual ID Badge
Figure 5101.4b-8
Female Dinner Dress Blue Dual ID Badge (Optional wear)
Figure 5101.4b-9
Female Dinner Dress Jumper Dual ID Badge (Optional wear)