(1) This section, supported by the articles in Chapter 3, section 5 (3501 series), describe uniform components for the Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type III and pertains to all personnel unless specified otherwise.
(2) The NWU Type III is a battle dress utility style uniform constructed of 50/50 percent Nylon/Cotton twill fabric. It is a four color digital pattern design. Embedded throughout the fabric are miniaturized features of the seal of the U.S. Navy flag with the letters "USN" directly beneath it. The seal includes an Anchor, a Three-masted square rigged ship, and an Eagle. The emblem will be abbreviated "ACE", which stands for Anchor, USS CONSTITUTION, and Eagle.
(3) The NWU Type III is intended for year-round wear and shall be the standard “Working Uniform” ashore. The uniform is unisex, designed to accommodate male and female Sailors and to fulfill multi-functional/geographical uniform requirements at sea and ashore. The uniform is designed to accommodate the Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT). Appropriate Authority, Commanders, Commanding Officers, and Officers-in-Charge, may prescribe PASGT items for wear with the NWU Type III. The NWU Type III Parka is designed to minimize the requirement for various cold and foul weather gear.
Occasion for wear
(1) NWU Type III wear is authorized for commuting and all normal task associated stops (e.g. stops at child care, gas stations, off-base shopping, banking, DMV and dining) before, during and after the workday. The NWU Type III is not a liberty uniform. Wear while conducting official business, when business attire is appropriate and participating in social events after normal working hours is not permitted. Consumption of alcohol off-base is not permitted. The Area or Regional Commander may further restrict uniform policies within their geographical limits regarding wear of the NWU.
(2) Within the National Capital Region (NCR), the NWU Type III is authorized for wear with Commanding Officer or Officer-in-Charge authorization, on Department of Defense installations, commands and facilities with the exception of inside the Pentagon building or the Pentagon Library and Conference Center (PLC2), the National Mall area bounded by Capitol Hill and surrounding Senate and House Staff offices, the White House and Executive Office building, Department of State and all monuments and memorials unless specifically authorized for a Joint Task Force National Capital Region (JTF-NCR) mission. Wear of the NWU Type III in the Pentagon and PLC2 is authorized for Navy personnel performing watch standing in the National Military Command Center (NMCC), Navy Operations Center (NOC) and DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic (DTHC). The NWU Type III is not authorized for wear off DoD installations in the NCR before, during or after the workday, for routine stops or to conduct business. The NWU Type III may be worn as the alternate uniform of the day per Commanding Officer or Officer-in-Charge permission except in the restricted areas established above. Travel to home and work while wearing the NWU Type III in the NCR in privately owned vehicles or government conveyance is authorized. Non emergency off-base/installation stops between home and work is not authorized. Recruiters are authorized to wear the NWU Type III in the continental United States (CONUS), Hawaii and Guam (e.g., malls, schools, normal recruiting areas).
(3) Conus air travel is authorized only on military and Government contracted flights between military airfield installations (e.g., Naval Air Station Oceana to Naval Air Station Fallon).
(4) Navy Security Force Sailors, to include Auxiliary Security Forces and Reserve Security Forces, will wear the NWU Type III.
(5) When serving on an honor detail, NWU Types II and III may only be worn when transporting, transferring, or receiving unprepared and/or unidentified remains at any location between the recovery location and the preparing mortuary facility (e.g., collection point, theater mortuary evacuation point, preparation point, identification laboratory, hospital, and medical examiner facility).