Article 3603.6
Belt with Buckle
Male and Female personnel E1-E6 will wear the same 1-1/4 inch black Cotton or Nylon Woven Web belt, with Silver finished tip, and Silver finished closed-face buckle. Male and Female Officers and Chief Petty Officers will wear the same 1-1/4 inch Khaki Cotton or Nylon Woven belt with Gold tip and Gold closed-face buckle. These are the same Belts and Buckles as described in article 3501.2 and 3501.7 respectively.
Correct Wear
The Belt tip will not extend outward beyond the Belt buckle to expose the Black or Khaki web belt material. A plain or decorated Buckle with appropriate Naval Insignia, designs, the individual's present Command, or if stationed Ashore a previous Sea Command/Squadron, or devices to which the wearer is entitled, may be authorized for Optional wear.