Web Drug Testing Program (WebDTP)/Drug Testing Program Lite (DTPLite)/Navy Drug Screening Program (NDSP)
Any users in need of the NDSP V5.4 software or password reset are to submit a request, with a copy of the primary UPC designation letter, to the NDSP/WebDTP/DTPLite support Desk at DTPLite.FCT@NAVY.MIL or call (901)874-4204, DSN 312-882-4204.
OUSD memo dated 10 Dec 2021 states the Military Drug Testing Programs (MDTP) will no longer support the Drug Testing Program (DTP) Desktop applications 5.x for the collection of Service Member urinalysis specimens. Effective 22 January 2022, all Navy activities are to complete shift from NDSP to either WebDTP, DTPLite or both, accordingly. Effective 23 January 2022, NDSP users will continue to have their specimen samples tested with assigned testable discrepancy code "5Z-5.X DTP Sample" until the shift is completed. Beginning 23 July 2022, specimen samples received using NDSP will no longer be tested and the testing activity will receive fatal discrepancy code "5Y-5x DTP Decertified" for each specimen received. The following information is for those who are not able to access.
WebDTP replaces NDSP v5.4k as Navy’s primary drug testing program application. Users having access to iFTDTL portal are to shift from NDSP to WebDTP immediately. Failure to do so could result in samples submitted to the lab not being tested. User guidance is found in the "Support Programs" OPGUIDE Tab G. Once approved, a copy of the guide is available upon request and/or via web.