Community Overview - Maritime Space Officers (MSOs) are the Navy’s space operations professionals, tasked with integrating joint space capabilities into maritime plans and operations. The Maritime Space Officer community resides within the larger Information Warfare community with its own distinct designator: 1870. MSO community is built through the lateral transfer process with billets ranging from O4 to O6. MSOs fill space planning and operations billets at Fleet Maritime Operations Centers (MOCs), joint commands, the intelligence community, naval warfighting development centers, the Naval War College, and staff positions to support operations.
MSO OCM Contact:
MSO Community Manager
(901) 874-2793
DSN (312) 882-2793
MSO Detailer Contact:
Senior MSO Detailer
(901) 874-4109
DSN (312) 882-4109
Junior MSO Detailer
(901) 874-4110
DSN (312) 882-4110