Mission: Develop the Fleet experts in MyNavy HR
The HR Community, committed to delivering Billet Based Advancement, Ready Relevant Learning, and Modern HR Solutions, provides operational experienced uniformed leadership and core HR expertise. We define, attract, recruit, develop, assign, and retain America’s best and brightest talent to give our Navy a competitive edge, and meet the demands of the Navy, Navy Reserve, and Joint force. We support the personal and professional development of all service members and their families, to deliver Great People, Great Leaders, and Great Teams in support of the Navy’s Culture of Excellence.
The HR (1200) Community deliberately develops HR officers with skills and expertise directly aligned to evolving MyNavyHR requirements and are the subject matter experts in Force Development (FD), Force Management (FM), and Force Requirements and Resourcing (FR2).
Force Development (FD): Talent Acquisition and Accessions, Initial, and Fleet Training
Force Management (FM): Career Management, Service Delivery, Pay & Personnel Management, N1/J1
Force Requirements and Resourcing (FR2): Operations Analysis, Financial Management, Requirements, Business Optimization, Enterprise Support
FY-25 Indefinite Recall to Active Duty Opportunity
Indefinite recall provides a path for Reserve Component HR officers (TAR & SELRES) to conduct a permanent component change to the Active Component Human Resources Officer Community
- Eligibility: 1205 & 1207 officers who are LCDR or higher in rank
- Application Due Date: ASAP – Rolling boards remainder of FY
- See HR Beacon 24-03 for instructions on how to apply
- Officers selected for indefinite recall must be willing to PCS
- Contact CDR Erik Moss if planning to apply
FY-26 Human Resources In-Service Procurement Program (HR ISPP) Board
HR ISPP provides a pathway for active duty enlisted Sailors to commission in the Active Component (AC) Human Resources Officer Community
- Eligibility requirements found in PA-109
- Instruction on how to apply can be found here: Commissioning Programs
- Application Due Date: 11 Jul 25
- NRC Eligibility Verification Window: 11 Jul 25 – 5 Sep 25
- HR CAPT & CDR Interview Window: 15 Sep 25 – 10 Oct 25
- HR ISPP Board Convenes: 31 Oct 25
Contact Information:
HR(1200) OCM: CDR Erik Moss
HR (1200) Assistant OCM: Mr. Alan Bonifer