FY24 MPN Recall Opportunities
All received FY24 MPN Recall applications are being vetted through the approval/disapproval process and once a decision is made on each recall request, the requesting officers will be notified by email as to whether they have been approved or disapproved for an FY24 MPN-funded recall.
MPN Reserve Recall Opportunities are advertised and distributed through ZIPSERVE and/or advertised through active duty communities/enterprises internal channels. Applications for FY24 Recalls will only be accepted in response to these advertised opportunities and will be accepted once the opportunities are advertised.
Applying for a Recall
When applying for an MPN Reserve Recall, please include the following:
1) NAVPERS form 1300/32
2) NAVPERS form 1300/29
3) Last (3) Fitness Reports (front and back)
4) Last (3) PRT Results (from PRIMS)
5) Resume (military or civilian, optional)
6) Letters of Recommendation (optional)
7) Sanctuary Waiver Request (per SECNAVINST 1800.2, only required if requesting a Definite/Temporary recall and only if
expected to go over 16 years of total active duty service during the proposed recall)
8) Copy of all DD-214's
Also include a command endorsement letter.
Submitting Your Application and Program Point of Contact for:
Definite Recall
Regular Mail: PERS-92
Goetsch Hall
Attn: MPN Definite Recall Program Manager
5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-000
Email: PERS-92@navy.mil
Submitting your quota request
POC: CDR Jeremiah Anderson
Email: jeremiah.k.anderson.mil@us.navy.mil
Indefinite Recall
Regular Mail: Military Community Management (BUPERS-3)
Ray Hall Bldg 453
Attn: Mr. Keith Chappell
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-000
Email: keith.a.chappell.civ@us.navy.mil