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Mobilization FAQs



1. What must a reservist member do upon receipt of mobilization orders?

Reservists must read and fully comply with their orders.  Reservists are required to complete the following within 30 days of receipt of orders.

  • The Expeditionary Screening Checklist (ESC) (NAVPERS 1300/22)
  • The Expeditionary Medical and Dental Screening Checklist (NAVMED 1300/4)
  • The Medical Suitability Certification (NAVPERS 1300/21) 

The Command Individual Augmentee Coordinator (CIAC) at the reservist’s NRC is tasked to assist the member with completion of all mandatory administrative and medical requirements.  

2. Where do reservists initially report pursuant to their mobilization orders?

Reservists will initially report to their respective NRC as stated in their orders.  The NRC ensures the member has completed all mandatory screening requirements and must certify the member is found suitable for deployment prior to detachment of the member.  Upon detachment from the NRC, the reservist must process through the designated NMPS location as stated in their orders prior to reporting to the next intermediate duty station or ultimate activity.  This will normally occur at ECRC in Norfolk, VA
Failure to complete the screening forms in their entirety may result in the member being returned to the NRC.  IRR/non-VTU members only process through the NMPS and do not process through a NRC.     

3. What should reservists bring with them when reporting to the NRC for initial processing?

The mobilization orders will contain instructions on what items the Reservist are required to bring when checking into the NRC and NMPS.  The ESC also contains a list of items the Reservist is required to bring to the NRC and NMPS.

4. What will happen to Reservists who fail to report for active duty when so ordered?

Per 10 U.S.C. § 802, reservists ordered to active duty are subject to the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) effective on the date the member is ordered to report for active duty as specified in their orders.  Reservists who fail to report on the date specified in their orders may be subject to disciplinary action for violation of the UCMJ, Article 86 (Unauthorized Absence).  If a reservist fails to report as ordered, the NOSC shall follow guidance in MILPERSMAN 1610-030. 

5. Where can I find information on pre-deployment requirements, INCONUS training and the post-deployment process?

USFLTFORCOM is the Navy Executive Agent for IA.  Information on the Navy IA pipeline and other useful resources is located on the USFLTFORCOM IA website at  Reservists who are not mobilized as part of an established commissioned unit but instead are mobilized on an individual basis are IAs. 

6. May reservists take a POV to their ultimate duty station?

Reservists deploying OCONUS are not permitted to take their POV to the NMPS or ultimate duty station.  Reservists deploying INCONUS are authorized a POV if driving their POV does not result in a delay in reporting.  If driving a POV will result in a delay in reporting, the reservist must coordinate that issue with the gaining command.  Per JTR, Ch.5, Part A, section 5378(A), a reservist deployed OCONUS for more than 30 days in support of a contingency operation is authorized storage of one POV.

7. What if an enlisted reservist recalled for active duty is eligible for and requests to participate in an upcoming Advancement-in-Rate Exam?

Exams for mobilized reservists should be ordered by the command holding the members service record.  Coordination between the service record holder and the gaining command is critical in order to ensure all eligible candidates have the opportunity to take the exam.  Eligibility requirements and a validated exam worksheet must be completed by the respective cutoff dates.  Special options are available for reservists deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Horn of Africa.  In-country commanding officers and OICs of commands may authorize exam administration if the area is conducive to exam administration.  Reservists may take early exams within 60 days of deployment or take the exam upon return from deployment.  See BUPERSINST 1430.16F and NAVADMIN 336/07, Administration of the Navy Wide Advancement Exam for Sailors in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa for further guidance.

8. Are TRICARE benefits available for mobilized reservists and their dependents?

Reservists ordered to active duty for a period of more than 30 consecutive days are eligible for Tricare benefits for the member and the member’s dependents.  Reservists mobilized in support of a contingency operation may qualify for “early” Tricare coverage that begins 180 days prior to the member reporting for active duty.  If a reservist is mobilized in support of a contingency operation, coverage is available for up to 180 days after deactivation.


The NDAA for FY 2010 (Public Law 111-84) authorized reservists who are ordered to active duty for more than 30 days, eligible for Tricare benefits beginning on the later of the date that is (a) the date of the issuance of the orders; or (b) 180 days before the date on which the period of active duty is to commence under such order.  The Office of the Secretary of Defense has implemented this law.

9. How does a reservist request a delay or exemption from mobilization?

If a reservist intends to request a delay, deferment or exemption, the reservist must immediately contact their NRC for guidance on submission of the request. Appendix B of OPNAVINST 3060.7B governs procedures for adjudicating a request for delay, deferment and exemption.

10. Is a mobilized reservist authorized advanced pay?

One month advanced pay is authorized and is payable upon reporting to the NMPS.  In extreme hardship cases and with strong justification, advanced pay of up to two months may be authorized.  Repayment must be effected within a three month window.

11. Does a reservist require demobilization orders in hand prior to detaching from their gaining/supported command?

Yes.  Mobilization orders are orders to active duty only and do not authorize demobilization.  PERS-461 will issue a separate set of demobilization orders.  The reservist is not authorized to detach from their gaining or supported command without demobilization orders in hand.  The gaining command/ultimate duty station is responsible for tracking the boots-on-ground counter and coordinating with PERS-461 for the issuance of demobilization orders.

12. The address on my orders is incorrect. How do I change it?

If the reservist desires to change his or her official address (Home of Record) or Place from Which Called (or Ordered) to Active Duty (PLEAD), the reservist must update his or her address at the NRC and in accordance with MILPERSMAN 1000-100. Once completed, the member’s NRC/NRA must submit a PLEAD Change package containing the following documents via email to  This change MUST occur prior to the member executing their orders (reporting to the NRC).  If this change is requested after the orders are executed, the member will have to submit a request through the Board of Corrections for Navy Records (BCNR).

  • NAVPERS 1070/74 with NRC CO's signature.
  • NRC CO's Endorsement Letter authorizing the change.
  • Copy of the member's lease or mortgage with name and current address.
  • Member's statement as to why the address was not changed prior to receiving orders or any circumstances (if applicable).
  • Update NSIPS to current address.

13. How do I sign up for mobilization opportunities?

14. Am I authorized HHG transportation associated with this order?

HHG shipments are not authorized for a Mobilization other than what is required for personal comfort and well-being while on TDY.  Reimbursement is as restricted by paygrade in accordance with JTR 020501 (table 2-25).
Please note:  If the member made an application prior to shipment with a personal property office and personally procures a shipment, the member must complete the DD Form 2278 (application for a personally procured move) and a DD Form 1351-2 (travel voucher).  If the  member did not make arrangements prior to the shipment, then only DD Form 1351-2 is necessary.  (Per Financial Management Regulation (FMR) 080301, a signed DD 1351-2 is required for any payment.)
The claim should be submitted to the Navy HHG Audit team:

  • A completed DD Form 1351-2 "Travel Voucher" (complete 2-11, 18, 20.a and 20.b)

  • Copy of orders (Mobilization/IA orders)

  • Completed NPPSC 7000-1 dated 2017-02 "Direct Deposit"

  • Paid receipts (indicate paid in full and expenses itemized, i.e. “paid in full” itemized receipts)

  • Post office receipt or Customs Declaration Form providing each package’s weight, mailing date, contents, destination, and origin post office

Submit all paperwork to:
To ensure you submit a complete package go to Navy HHG Website: - PPM tab at top - PPM Settlement on the left menu - then select the type of move to see what documentation is needed.
KEY INFORMATION on submitting your package:

1) Keep the auto reply as this establishes your date of submission which is used to prioritize workload
2) Submit the paperwork as a PDF file (protect PII information)
3) Size limit of 10MB – if larger the file is deleted and basically you did not submit

To check status of your PPM:
a) Email:
b) Call: 888-742-4467 between 7:30 am to 4:00 pm Eastern

15. Am I authorized to place my HHG/POV in Non-Temporary Storage (NTS)?

Non-Temporary storage for POV is authorized in connection with mobilization orders.

At this time, OPNAV N130 has determined that no blanket Secretarial authorization exists for Non- Temporary Storage of House Hold Goods (HHG) in connection with mobilization orders.

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