Welcome to the TAR AMDO Homepage
Established in 1990 the Training and Administration of the Reserve Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer (AMDO) provide leadership and technical expertise in organic and commercial maintenance, logistics and program management of reserve aviation weapon systems, and reserve management support to the Naval Aviation Enterprise.
Current or prospective aviation maintenance professionals or personnel who have an interest in Navy Aviation Maintenance Management are encouraged to navigate these pages to gain a better understanding of the highly skilled men and women who make up the TAR AMDO community.
Re-designation board information can be found on the TAR Reserve OCM website.
Questions about the TAR AMDO community should be directed to the TAR AMDO detailer at (901) 874-4076 or DSN 882-4076.
Career Expectations
AMDOs begin their professional education with a nine-week course at the Aviation Maintenance Officer School at NAS Whiting Field, FL.
LT and below – Multiple tours in operational squadrons and a FRC tour.
CDR and above – Major Staff, WING MO, FRC OIC.
Because 70% of TAR AMDO billets are Acquisition Coded, current training and certification standards are "must know gouge" for all TAR AMDOs. Officers have 24 months after reporting to an acquisition workforce billet to reach the required level of DAWIA certification in their primary career field.
Primary career fields in the TAR AMDO community include:
Junior officers not currently assigned to coded billets are encouraged to request introductory DAU courses (web-based) in the career fields mentioned above.
See the DAU website for course registration information, career field certification checklists and a wealth of other useful information.
Consider Pursuing
Professional Aviation Maintenance Officer (PAMO) qualification
DAWIA certification
Master's Degree
Joint Aviation Supply Maintenance Material Management (JASMMM) course
Advanced Aviation Maintenance Manager's (A2M2) course
Defense Acquisition Corps membership