“Language and regional expertise skills can save lives and ensure mission accomplishment throughout confrontation, conflict, and stabilization operations.” - Joint Publication 1-0
“Maintenance and enhancement of linguistic proficiency is an operational necessity … Standardization of Navy CLPs is vital to meeting language regional expertise and culture (LREC) mission requirements. All commands with language-coded billets or with foreign language proficient Sailors must establish a CLP.” - OPNAVINST 5400.46
Recognition Programs
The following provide the means to recognize the command language program and the DON civilians and Sailors (officers, chiefs, and junior enlisted) who made the most significant contributions to operations using foreign language. More details can be found in OPNAVINST 5400.46A and on the LREC Awards page.
Language Training
Contact the Center for Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (CLREC) to identify language training opportunities appropriate to the needs of your command and Sailors.
Language Testing
Contact the Navy Foreign Language Testing Office at languagetesting@navy.mil.
Have a question?
Email us at ALTN_N13F1@navy.mil