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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. How does performance evaluation correspondence get processed? 

PERS-32 uses the Electronic Military Personnel Records System (EMPRS) Module to support the Navy's Evaluation System.  EMPRS can electronically track fitness and evaluation reports from "cradle to grave" (initial receipt to official record).  Currently, EMPRS cannot electronically track correspondence associated with the evaluation system such as extension letters and administrative changes.

Without an electronic tracking capability, PERS-32 cannot determine the initial receipt or processing status of correspondence.  Additionally, we process correspondence at a lower priority than FITREPS and evals.  With a lower priority assigned, correspondence may have a significant processing delay particularly during "peak board season".

We recommend that if you or one of your members is eligible for an upcoming selection board and any performance evaluation report(s) and/or related correspondence is not updated to your OMPF, that you forward a copy of the documents in package directly to the board in accordance with MILPERSMAN.

2. How do I submit a missing report from my permanent record to the Performance Evaluation Division?

Generally, performance evaluations should be submitted by the command who issued the report to the member.  The command's administrative officer should be contacted to ensure proper and timely submission of performance evaluations.  When submitting missing performance evaluation(s) directly to PERS-32, mail a copy to the following address:

Navy Personnel Command
Pers 32
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN  38055-3201


The copy must display all required signatures, initials, dates, and social security numbers. If member is part of a summary group all reports in the summary group must be received in order to process the reports.

3. Can I download NAVFIT98A to my NMCI computer?
Yes, a user on the NMCI computer can install NAVFIT98A thru the Software Center.  NAVFIT98A is considered a NMCI OPTIONAL APPLICATION.

4. Where do I get the WINZIP program?
Contact your local helpdesk for the WinZip software.  If you are downloading to your personal computer, you can find a trial version or purchase the software at which will enable you to install the NAVFIT98A program.

5. What actions should I take if NMCI has not updated my NAVFIT98A program by 01 August 2010?
Manually enter the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) codes in block 20 and block 21.  Ignore the validation errors and process as normal.

6. Are there any compatibility issues between NAVFIT98A versions?
No, with version 28 you can edit reports done in previous versions.

7. Will my database or reports created under Version 28 work with Version 30?
Yes, use the Import Data or Open database functions to execute.

8. Do you think I will lose data during the NAVFIT98A upgrade?
During testing, Fleet users did not lose any information (databases, reports) that was created by Version 28.  However, we recommend that you copy all databases in the following folder as a safety precaution.  C:\Program Files\NavFit98A\Data.

9. How do I know what version of NAVIFT98A is on my workstation?
To find out the version perform the following steps:
     1. Open NAVFIT98A
     2. Select Help
     3. Select About NAVFIT98A
Version 28 is 2.002.0028 and Version 30 is

10. I cannot enter the new PFA codes in block 20 or put “INDIV AUG” in block 20 while using the E7-E9 evaluation (CHIEFEVAL).
Check the form version number located at the bottom left.  If the form version number is NAVPERS 1616/27 (6-08/10) then download the revised form NAVPERS 1616/27(8-10) at  

11. Do concurrent evaluations count towards my PMA for advancement?

Only concurrent evaluations with "INDIV AUG" identified in block 21 of the evaluation can count towards calculation of PMA, along with any regular report covering the same time or overlapping period.  Both regular reports and IA concurrent evaluations will be used for PMA calculation.

12. When would an IA Sailor receive a Not Observed Report (NOB)?
The guidelines for receiving an NOB report will remain the same as referenced in BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1 (Chapter 6).  NOB reports are used to fulfill reporting requirements when graded reports are inappropriate.  Under unique circumstances, a reporting senior can submit a NOB report for any period if the reporting senior does not feel that there has been enough observation to grade with confidence.  The justification and explanation must be provided in the Comments field.  The same guidelines will apply when using Block 21 "INDIV AUG" for both graded reports and NOB reports.  (See question:  "I just returned to my parent command from an IAMM or OSA assignment and my periodic evaluation is due, can I be ranked against my peers?"

13. What is considered a “regular” performance evaluation?
Regular (Block 17) reports are the foundation of the performance record.

Regular reports are submitted periodically per the schedule in table 1 of the BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, and on other occasions (e.g. Periodic, Detachment of Individual and Special) specified in the BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1.

They must cover, day-for-day, all naval service on active duty or in drilling Reserve programs, except for enlisted initial entry training and other limited circumstances.

Prior to submitting regular reports, efforts should be made to determine the ending date of the previous report, if any, to ensure regular report continuity is maintained.

14. If my concurrent evaluation is an EP, am I eligible for an EP Time in Rate waiver?
If "INDIV AUG" is identified in block 21 of the evaluation and the overall promotion recommendation is an EP, you may be eligible for an EP Time in Rate waiver.  Other criteria that must be met are:

  You must retain a promotion recommendation from your regular reporting senior.  If your regular evaluation is marked Significant Problems or Progressing, you are not eligible.

  You must have approval for the Time in Rate waiver from your CO/OIC.  Waivers are granted at the discretion of the Command; it is not automatic just because you meet qualifying criteria.  (See paragraph 216 of BUPERSINST 1430.16)

  You must be identified in enclosure (3) of your command's exam return transmittal.

15. When should the “180” day counter begins when an IAMM or OSA Sailor returns from deployment?
The 180-day counter should begin upon return to the parent command.

16. How are concurrent reports processed?
The concurrent reporting senior shall forward all copies of the report to the regular reporting senior for countersignature.

  Retain a copy in case the originals are lost or misplaced.

  The regular reporting senior shall sign the report(s) and return it to the originator.

  The concurrent reporting senior will ensure that all the reports in the summary group are submitted at one time.

  Both the reporting senior and the concurrent reporting senior will file a copy in their command files and provide a countersigned copy to the member.

  Concurrent Reports (E5 and above) in Same Summary Group but with Different Regular Reporting Seniors.

  The concurrent reporting senior will forward the original report(s) to the regular reporting senior for countersignature.

  The regular reporting senior will sign and return the original report to the concurrent reporting senior for submission.

  The concurrent reporting senior will ensure that all reports have been received and have the proper countersignature prior to submitting the batch to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-32).

17. I just returned to my parent command from an IAMM, GSA, or OSA assignment and my periodic evaluation is due, can I be ranked against my peers?
Members who are within 180 days of returning from an IAMM, GSA, or OSA assignment must be ranked in a separate billet subcategory using Billet Subcategory Code "INDIV AUG" in Block 21.  This does not preclude "soft rankings" in the COMMENTS ON PERFORMANCE section of the performance report.  However, you may be ranked with other individuals, who were on an IA assignment attached to the same Parent Command with the same Billet Subcategory Code in Block 21.

18. Does this policy change apply to all Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) assignments?
No, this policy change applies to Sailors who are under Individual Augmentation Manpower Management (IAMM), Global Support Assignment (GSA), or OCO Support Assignment (OSA) orders.  Personnel in a TAD status will continue to receive concurrent performance reports following BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, Chapter 4 guidelines.
19. How do I fix my EVAL/FITREPS report dates?
Submit an administrative change which corrects entries:

  Blocks 1-19, 21-27 and Block 44 for FITREP.

  Block 48 for EVAL.

PERS-32 is not authorized to make changes or corrections to a report or summary group via telephonic request.

20. What is the difference between Individual Augmentation (IA), IAMM, GSA, and OSA?
Historically, IA was the only IA assignment.  Now, the term "IA" encompasses three different types of assignments:  IAMM, GSA, and OSA.

  IAMM is the traditional rip-to-fill IA Temporary Duty (TDY) assignment.

    If you volunteered or were selected to fill a billet for an IA assignment, you will go TDY to your IA duty assignment and then return to your Parent Command once your IA duty assignment is completed.

    GSA is a form of IA.

    Applies to Officers only.

    The member is detailed to an IA assignment using Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders and placed on TDY orders for the GSA assignment.

    The purpose of the GSA detailing process is to significantly improve predictability of IA's for Sailors and their families, enable volunteerism, improve manning stability at the unit level, and add detailer involvement for oversight of professional development and career progression.

    OSA is a form Of IA.

    Applies to Enlisted only.

    The member is detailed to an IA assignment using OSA TDY orders and will execute PCS orders upon completion of IA and return to Parent Command.

    The purpose of OSA assignment is to preserve career choices, encourage volunteerism, and solidify Sailor and family support with the Parent Command. See (NAVADMIN 171/10).

In all cases, PERS-4 generates the orders.

21. When can a concurrent report become a concurrent regular report?
The regular reporting senior may endorse a Concurrent report as Concurrent/Regular if the report covers the entire period since the last Regular report and the regular reporting senior has no significant observation to add. The report then becomes the Regular report for the period concerned.

  Begin the next Regular report period on the day following the ending date of Concurrent/Regular report. Be sure to maintain Regular report continuity.

  The regular reporting senior must place an X in block 17.

  If the regular reporting senior does not mark block 17, this report will be accepted as a Concurrent report only.

The concurrent reporting senior's cumulative average is adjusted upon acceptance of the Concurrent or Concurrent/Regular report.

  If a Concurrent report that overlaps the period of a previous Regular report is endorsed as Concurrent/Regular, the endorsement will apply only to the period since the previous Regular report.

  Do not submit a Regular report that overlaps a previous Concurrent/Regular report.

22. After a Sailor returns from a deployment, will the 180-day guideline for placing a Sailor in an “INDIV AUG” billet subcategory impact IAMM, GSA, and OSA Sailors?

The policy will only impact IAMM and OSA Sailors since they will return to their same parent command.  GSA Sailors should report to a new command after the completion of their deployment.

23. Explain how this new change will impact my IA Sailor while on deployment.
Here are two examples of a Sailor on IA assignment using the OSA process:

An E-5 leaves the parent command on October 20 to begin training; the last regular report at the Command was on March 15.  This Sailor will be placed in the "INDIV AUG" subcategory billet since the Sailor was at the parent command for 219 days of the 365-day reporting period.  This is based on the reporting period regardless of when the Sailor may have checked into the Command.

Same E-5 Sailor leaves December 20 to begin training will be ranked with peers, since the Sailor was at the Parent Command for greater than 240 days.  (Helpful website:

24. Is there a specific sequence to document PFAs in Block 20?
Yes, use this sequence:

    First PFA cycle of reporting period/last PFA cycle of reporting period.  Examples with explanation:

        PN- Passed 2009 Cycle 1 and did not participate in 2009 Cycle 2.

        FP- Failed 2008 Cycle 2 and Passed 2009 Cycle 1.

25. What defines an official Physical Fitness Assessment?
Per OPNAVINST 6110.1H, commands must conduct two official PFAs per calendar year.  The official PFAs conducted by the Command Fitness Leader(s) each calendar year are Cycle 1 and Cycle 2.  The semi-annual PFA cycle are defined as follows:

    Cycle 1 - 1 January through 30 June.

    Cycle 2 - 1 July through 31 December.

Only the results from an official PFA are used to determine the codes for Block 20 on a performance evaluation.

26. What happens if I extend a report submitted prior to 1 August 2010 to 1 August 2010 or beyond?
Submit the letter extension and keep the previous PFA codes used in Block 20.  Pers-32 will update the mainframe with the new dates and place the extension letter in the member's official military personnel file.

27. When will the PFA change occur?
This change applies to evaluations and fitness reports with end date (Block 15) of 1 August 2010 or later.

28. Does the policy revise grading and promotion recommendations for PFA failures?
No, the same rules still apply when determining what grades or promotion recommendations to assign.  These rules include the following:

    No mandated or prohibited trait mark required in "Military Bearing"/"Professionalism" for promotability, and/or  

    retention for reporting period in which member's first PFA failure in a 3-year period occurs.

    For reporting period in which a member has failed two or more PFAs in the most recent 3-year period,

    Enlisted members shall receive:

    A grade no greater than 1.0 in "Military Bearing" or "Professionalism" (EVAL Block 36 or CHIEFEVAL Block 35).

    Marks of "Significant Problems" and "Retention Not Recommended" (EVAL Block 45 and CHIEFEVAL Block 42).

    Officers shall receive:

    A grade no greater than 1.0 in "Military Bearing" (FITREP Block 35).

    Mark for promotability shall be "Significant Problems".

29. Why change the documentation of Physical Fitness Assessments (PFAs) on the performance evaluations?
This change reinforces the requirement that commands must maintain accurate data in the Physical Readiness Information Management System and provide selection boards more information concerning a member's performance.

30. Where can I check on the status of submitted performance evaluations?
Two status reports are located on BUPERS ONLINE (BOL) that will help you track performance evaluations.  Reporting seniors can use the Reporting Seniors Performance Evaluation Submission Report while individuals can view the Performance Evaluation Continuity Report.

What is the Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average?
Effective 1 January 1996 the Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average (RSCA) was introduced to the Officer Fitness Report and Enlisted Evaluation reporting process for pay grades E-5 to O6. The RSCA is a reporting senior's total number of graded traits from accepted reports by pay grade, divided by the number of accepted reports for that pay grade over the reporting senior's career. The RSCA is calculated/established on the first day of the month, 90 days from the performance evaluation ending date. Only accepted performance evaluations are used in calculating the RSCA. The RSCA for performance evaluations received late (outside the 90-day timeframe) will not be included in that RSCA. Trait averages for performance evaluations received late will be applied to the next scheduled monthly RSCA update. The RSCA is displayed on a member's Performance Summary Record (PSR) for the reporting period indicated. With online access to RSCA, reporting seniors can manage their averages and project the impact of future pending performance evaluations on their average.

32. Why put rejected performance evaluations in the record?
NPC made the decision to include rejected performance evaluations in the official record for two reasons.  One, an individual had no recourse when reporting seniors failed to submit corrections to a rejected performance evaluation in a timely manner.  Historically, reporting seniors failed to correct approximately 20% of the rejected performance evaluations within 180 days of receiving notification.  As a result, the individual had a gap in his/her record with no way of correcting it.  Two, long delays in submitting corrections had a negative impact because the late evaluations skewed the reporting senior's cumulative average.

33. When would NPC change a promotion recommendation?
BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1 (see chapter 1 page 1-18-21) set limits on the maximum promotion recommendation in certain situations.  These situations and the corrective action taken by NPC include the following:

-When an ENS/LTJG (non-LDO) receives a promotion recommendation higher than a "Promotable", NPC would change the recommendation to "Promotable".

34. What happens to my PSR when PERS-32 places a rejected performance evaluation in the record?
PERS-32 will update the mainframe to indicate the rejected evaluation as supplemental data.  The report type block on the PSR will show "SU" to indicate supplemental.

35. What is a Letter-Supplement and who can submit it?
A Letter-Supplement can only correct entries in blocks 20 and 28-43 for FITREP and blocks 20 and 28-47 for EVAL.

Only the original reporting senior who signed the report can submit supplemental material to a fitness report or enlisted evaluation.  If the reporting senior is incapacitated, supplemental data may be submitted by the Immediate Supervisor in Command (ISIC).

PERS-32 is not authorized to make changes or corrections to a report or summary group via telephonic request.

Do not submit a Letter-Supplement to correct a report that is in a REJECTED status.

Supplemental material should only be submitted to correct a report that has already been filed to the official permanent record.  To determine the status of a report, log on to BOL, click the FITREP/Eval Reports icon.  Both the Individual Continuity Report and the Reporting Senior's Submission Report will show the report status.

Supplemental material can be submitted as a Letter-Supplement or as a Supplemental Report submitted under a cover letter.

Supplemental material should be submitted within 2 years of the end date of the report.  If over 2 years old, refer to BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, chapter 15, paragraph 15-4.

Please Note:  Changes made via supplemental material will not be reflected on a member's Performance Summary Record (PSR) per BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, chapter 15, paragraph 15-4.

36. How do you correct a rejected report?
The original Reporting Senior may choose to correct a report in one of the following ways:

1.  The original reporting senior may correct the rejected report(s) by retyping the report(s) in question and forwarding to PERS-32; or

2.  The report may be corrected by pen/ink changes on a copy of the report, then initialed by the original Reporting Senior and forwarded to PERS-32; or

3.  The report may also be corrected by whiting out or taping over the error, then initialing by the original Reporting Senior and forwarding to PERS-32.

If the correction changes the competitive grouping, corrections must be made to all reports in the summary group.

Ensure a copy of the corrected report(s) is provided to the member or forwarded to his/her new command.

If the report is rejected due to missing a member’s signature, the report is not adverse, and the report ends on or after 11 August 1998, the reporting senior can write, “certified copy provided” in the member’s signature block.

37. What are some of the obvious administrative errors that PERS-32 will attempt to correct?
Obvious administrative errors are errors that do not require returning the report to the Reporting Senior for correction.  PERS-32 will attempt to correct a report if the following errors are discovered:
NAME/SSN errors:  If the member's name and SSN do not match what is found in the Naval Personnel System database, PERS-32 will automatically correct the report.

Periodic reports submitted on non-Periodic dates:  If PERS-32 can determine the occasion for the report, the report(s) will be corrected.

Block 39 is blank for non-warfare qualified officers: PERS-32 will add NOB to block 39.

38. What causes a performance evaluation report to be rejected?
The Performance Evaluations Branch receives 500,000 to 600,000 reports annually and approximately 10% are rejected for fatal errors.  Invalid reports are returned to Reporting Senior's for corrections via letter, message traffic or email.

Reporting Seniors can verify the status of reports on BUPERS Online (BOL).  They do not have to wait for an official reject notification from PERS-32.  If a review of the Reporting Senior's Submission report indicates a report has been rejected, he/she can contact PERS-32 for correction procedures.

Listed below are the major reasons for rejected reports:

-  Forced Distribution Errors.  Promotion recommendation quota exceeds maximum limit

-  Report with a trait grade of 1.0 with a promotion recommendation higher than progressing.

-  Report with a trait grade of 2.0 with a promotion recommendation higher than Promotable.

-  Report with a trait grade of 2.0 or less in Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity with a promotion recommendation higher than progressing.

-  Enlisted members cannot receive a promotion recommendation of Progressing when the member’s last promotion recommendation in the same pay grade was Promotable or higher.  In this case, the member must receive a Significant Problems promotion recommendation.

-  Blank or invalid PRT entries for regular reports.  Exempt is no longer an authorized entry for block 20.  See OPNAVINST 1610.1G for details.

-  Incomplete summary lines:  block 43 for FITREP and block 46 for EVAL must have an entry in each block, even if “0”, i.e., 0/0/0/0/1.

-  Special report without justification for submission in the Comments on Performance block.  Special reports for superior performance or recommendations are specifically prohibited for officers.

-  Unsigned copies, unsigned advance copies, and reports not signed by the reporting senior.

-  Missing report(s) from summary group will result in the rejection of the entire summary group.

-  Improper summary group, i.e., grouping FROCKED reports with REGULAR reports (block 8) or grouping APPROVED reports with NA or BASIC reports (block 21).

-  Reports that are not in compliance with the Officer and Enlisted Summary Group Tables in BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, chapter 1.

-  Unauthorized reporting seniors per BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, chapter 2.

39. Who is authorized to be a Reporting Senior?
A commanding officer may submit properly authorized fitness and evaluation reports on any individual, regardless of rank, who has reported to that commanding officer for permanent, temporary, or additional duty under competent written orders.

Officers in charge are reporting seniors in their own right only if in charge of commissioned units or established activities. For MCPOIC's, see BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, chapter 2, paragraph 2-4.

Delegated reporting seniors for officer reports must be in the grade of commander (O5) or GS-14, or equivalent.

Reports on members in the grade of E-5 through E-9, including members frocked to E-5, may not be delegated below the grade of lieutenant commander (O4) or GS-12 or equivalent.  Training commands and replacement training squadrons may delegate to the lieutenant (O3) level.  Other exceptions require prior approval from CHNAVPERS (PERS-32).

Reports on members in the grade of E-4 and below may not be delegated below the grade of chief petty officer (E-7) or GS-11 or equivalent.  Exceptions are not permitted.

40. How do I get a copy of my report?
Each member is responsible to ensure the continuity of his or her fitness or evaluation report record.  Enlisted members should review their field service record, and all members should review their OMPF and PSR to correct oversights.

Once a performance evaluation report is debriefed, a copy should be given to the member at that time.

Ensure administrative personnel make command file copies of reports prior to mailing them to PERS-32.

PERS-32 is not authorized to mail or fax copies of reports back to the command or to an individual member.  If the command fails to make required copies or the member misplaces his/her copy, a replacement report can be obtained per MILPERSMAN 1070150.

41. Where does a command mail performance evaluation report?
Mail summary letter with report(s) to:

MILLINGTON TN  38055-3201

NAVFIT 98 will not print the information listed below.  Ensure that the Summary Letter includes the following typed or handwritten entries:

Reporting Senior's e-mail address

Command telephone number

Ensure your admin personnel make command file copies of reports prior to mailing them to PERS-32.  PERS-32 is not authorized to mail or fax copies of reports back to the command.  If the command fails to make required copies or the member misplaces his/her copy, a replacement report can be obtained per MILPERSMAN 1070150.

42. What does Separated and Classified, Validated, Rejected, Uploaded, and Complete mean on the continuity report?
Separated and Classified: Report has been received and pending examination.

Validated: Report examined and pending acceptance to the Performance Summary Record (PSR) and permanent record.

Rejected: Report not acceptable.  Returned to reporting senior for correction.

Uploaded: Report pending upload to PSR.  **PLEASE NOTE:  If report is in an UPLOADED status for over 7 working days, please contact MNCC Customer Service for assistance at 1-833-330-MNCC (1-833-330-6622).

Complete:  Report updated to PSR and permanent record.

Purged:  Report not acceptable. Returned to reporting senior for correction or Duplicate copy of previously received report.

43. Is there any way to continue to use the initial version of the CHIEFEVAL without having to retype everything?
Yes.  For commands and personnel with Adobe Acrobat Professional Version 7.0 or higher, the old form is usable.  However, even those using Adobe Acrobat Professional should shift to the updated version as soon as practicable to ensure future Chief Evaluations can be manipulated with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

44.  How do I download the NAVFIT98A program and the CPO EVALS?
Follow the instruction on the NAVFIT98A Installation Instruction located on the internet at:

The New CPO EVAL:  Save the form to a folder or desktop.  Click file on the toolbar, then "save as".

45. When is it appropriate to submit an Extension Letter and who can submit it?
An extension letter may be submitted on a Periodic, Detachment of Individual, Detachment of Reporting Senior or a Frocking report.  It may also be submitted on a Special report if the report was not submitted due to a reduction in rate.

The extension letter can be submitted by the original reporting senior or “by direction”.

An extension letter may not change or add to the pay grade, trait grades, comments or promotion recommendation on the original report, but may add to the duties performed and the qualifications attained.

An extension letter cannot exceed 3 months in duration and cannot extend the reporting period beyond 15 months.

An extension letter is not authorized for the following report types and occasions:

   - if the report being extended is in a different pay grade.  Either submit a NOB report or a graded report as per reporting senior's direction.

   - to extend a previous "Detachment of Individual" report.  To correct an error to block 15 (report ending date), submit an administrative change per BUPERSINST 1610.10F CH-1, chapter 15, paragraph 15-3.

46. What is an Administrative Change?
An administrative change can only correct entries in blocks 1-19, 21-27 and block 44 for FITREP or block 48 for EVAL.

PERS-32 is not authorized to make changes or corrections to a report or summary group via telephonic request.

Do not submit an administrative change to correct a report that is in a REJECTED or UNPROCESSED status.

Administrative changes should only be submitted to correct a report that has already been filed to the official permanent record.  To determine the status of a report, log on to BOL, click the FITREP/EVAL Reports icon.  Both Individual Continuity Report and the Reporting Senior's Submission Report will show the report status.

The original reporting senior, the member or the member’s present command can submit administrative changes.

47. What is considered an adverse report?
While not an all-inclusive definition, NAVPERSCOM will consider a report adverse if it contains any of the following:

-  A trait grade of 1.0

-  A promotion recommendation mark of "Significant Problems"

-  Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity trait graded below 3.0

-  More than two traits graded as 2.0

-  Shows a strong decline in performance within the same pay grade under the same reporting senior

-  Contains comments indicating serious weakness, incapacity, or lack of qualifications for promotion or assignment

A report is not considered adverse solely because it may make the member less competitive than another for promotion or assignment.

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