Electronic Service Record
The Electronic Service Record (ESR) provides individual sailors, Personnel Offices that are service record holders (PERSOFF), Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) and customer commands of PSD(s) with secure worldwide internet access to personnel, training and awards data. The ESR replaces the paper service record as the single field level data entry point for service record maintenance.
The NSIPS Electronic Service Record (ESR) Quick Reference Guide for Personnel Specialists is designed to assist the Personnel Specialist and Supervisor to use the functions contained in the ESR. It is imperative that the ESR contains accurate and up-to-date information since its contents are reflected in data and documents considered by selection boards and other decision makers which affect the member’s career.
Corrections to the ESR and Submission of Documents
Command representatives that have been granted authority to enter, verify, or approve service record entries can also make corrections, incorrect information in the ESR must be reported to the member's servicing Personnel Office for corrective action.
Documents printed from the ESR must be printed and submitted by the servicing Personnel Office in accordance with the applicable MILPERSMAN articles and BUPERSINST 1070.27E for filing to the OMPF record.
Note: Commands will use the Electronic Submission Application (eSubmission) to submit the required documents to PERS-313 for inclusion into the OMPF on the date of occurrence, see MILPERSMAN 1070-111.
Establish "Self-Service" ESR Account
Every sailor, officer and enlisted (less Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)), should establish a "Self-Service" ESR Account. Having a Self-Service account is necessary for updating emergency contact information and other personal information. Additionally, the member can access PCS travel information and review their entire electronic service record (ESR) without leaving their desk.
To access or establish your "Self-Service" ESR Account go to: https://www.nsips.cloud.navy.mil
Additional assistance can be obtained by contacting the NSIPS Helpdesk at 1-877-589-5991 or email at NSIPSHELPDESK@NAVY.MIL.
Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) - My Record
Members with a CAC card and BOL access can also access and view their own OMPF record real-time through the BOL Application Menu. The documents they see in OMPF - My Record are the very documents used to create the CD they would receive if they ordered their OMPF on CDROM.