Article 3501.41
Peacoat (E1-E6)
a. Description
(1) Males (Figure 3501.41-1) A double-breasted, hip length coat made of dark blue 100% melton wool fabric with a convertible collar, a set-in pocket in each forefront, and a single row of four 35-line black plastic anchor buttons down the right front and three on left. Men's peacoat buttons to the right.
(2) Females (Figure 3501.41-2) A double-breasted, hip length coat made of dark blue 100% melton wool fabric with a convertible collar, shoulder epaulets, a set-in pocket in each forefront, and a single row of four 35-line black plastic anchor buttons down the left front and three on right. Women's peacoat buttons to the left. Women may wear either the men's peacoat (without epaulets) or the women's peacoat (with epaulets) as long as serviceable.
b. Correct Wear
Wear with collar down squarely on the shoulders. Button all buttons except collar button. Collar button may be buttoned in inclement weather. Wear the jumper collar inside the coat. Sleeves should extend between the wrist and lower thumb knuckle when arms are down at the side. For insignia, see article 4221.
c. Ownership Markings.
Center surname, first initial and middle initial (if applicable) three inches from and parallel to the bottom edge of the peacoat.