757-421-8606 / 757-421-8661
Once a member is placed in confinement, commands must have qualified escorts to move both pre-trial and post-trial prisoners to and from the Brig.
To be qualified, personnel must meet screening criteria, attend a one-day Brig Escort Class and pass a written proficiency test. Successful completion will result in the issuance of an Escort Identification Card. The certification is good for one year.
Army/Marine Corps Military Police, Air Force Security Police, Navy Master-At-Arms and formal NEC/MOS school-trained corrections personnel may be exempt from attending the class, but must meet the screening criteria.
Class Schedule
Basic Escort Class certification will convene on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Commands requiring emergent certification of their members must coordinate with the Training Department. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the NCBC Det Chesapeake Training Department Staff. Thank you for your understanding.
Class size is limited; therefore, please reserve your spot 5 working days prior to the class you wish to attend. Instruction starts at 0800 and early arrival (NLT 0730) for administrative purposes.
Escorts shall be carefully selected for maturity and the ability to handle emergencies.
Requesting activities shall provide their own escorts for trial, administrative, legal, and any other appointments for pre-trial prisoners.
Commands with frequent prisoner movements shall provide a pool of escorts and each trip shall include at least one escort who has traversed the same route in similar transportation.
In all cases, at least one escort will be of the same gender as the prisoner.
When transporting a pre-trial officer prisoner, at least one escort will be an officer of equal or higher rank than the officer prisoner.
Escorts will not be required or authorized to carry nightsticks/batons or other weapons.
Maximum (MAX) and Medium Custody In (MDI) prisoners must be escorted by at least two escorts. MAX and MDI prisoners shall wear restraints at all times while outside the security perimeter of the Brig.
A military judge (not a lawyer) may direct that restraints be removed from a prisoner in a courtroom if, in the judge’s opinion, such restraint is not necessary.
- Must be E-4 or above with at least 24 months of active service (after completion of recruit training), regardless of service branch.
- Must be mature, emotionally stable, and able to handle emergencies.
- Have no neuropsychiatric disorders, or recorded history of alcohol abuse, or in-service drug use.
- Have no record of conviction by courts-martial or non-judicial punishment in the past 36 months.
- Have no record of civil court conviction, (except misdemeanor traffic violations).
- Have no physical disabilities or disfigurements.
- Be within service branch body composition standards, and passed most recent service PRT/PFT.
- No prior removal/revocation of escort status.
- Not identified as a witness or victim in a prisoner’s courts-martial related to the escort detail.
- Not have failed during last two prior attempts to pass the escort written proficiency test.
- Screened for eligibility by a command representative of grade E-7 or above.