General Information
Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston Det Chesapeake is located in Bldg. 500 on Naval Support Activity, Hampton Roads, Northwest Annex in Chesapeake, VA. Entry to the annex can be gained through the main gate on weekends and holidays. Visitors with military identification and current base vehicle registration will be allowed access without having to obtain a visitor's pass. Visitors without military identification may obtain a vehicle/visitor pass at the Pass/ID Office during normal working hours (0700 - 1500 Monday - Friday) or at the gate after normal working hours. The gate is open 24 hours a day.
Rules for COVID-19 Visitation
Official Visits
Official visits include attorneys, chaplains and parent command personnel (E6 and above). Military official visitors shall be in uniform. Official visits may occur at any time during normal working hours (0800-1500), Monday – Friday, not including Federal holidays. Officials desiring to visit at any other time should provide 24-hour notice to ensure availability of the prisoner and the Officer in Charge's approval. Attorney visits are normally not authorized during regular visitation hours which occur on Saturday, Sunday and Federal holidays from 1:00-3:00 PM.
Prisoner Visitation Information
Visitation is considered a vital element in the rehabilitation of prisoners. The interest of family and friends provides encouragement for prisoners to achieve the behavioral change required for successful return to future useful service or transition to civilian society. Contact with family and friends decreases feelings of isolation and reduces anxiety which enable the prisoner to be more receptive to correctional programs and techniques.
The following rules and regulations have been established to ensure visitation is conducted in an orderly fashion and to ensure the security and good order and discipline of Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston Det Chesapeake is maintained. All prisoners and their visitors are required to comply with these rules and regulations.
The Chief Duty Officer is authorized to “Refuse or Terminate Visitation” if any of these rules or regulations are violated by the prisoner or their visitors.
1. Visitation hours are held from 1:00 – 3:00 PM on Saturday, Sunday & Federal holidays.
2. Special visitation outside of scheduled visitation periods may be authorized by the Operations Officer on a case by case basis for immediate family members who have traveled long distances. An approved request chit is required prior to granting special visitation.
3. Visitors will not be permitted entry into the facility until 1230. Prisoners will be dispatched to visitation from 1:00 to 3:00. Reasonable adjustments to normal visitation hours must be approved by the Chief Duty Officer.
4. Visits by unmarried persons under the age of 18 shall not be permitted unless the minor is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
5. Visits to married prisoners by members of the opposite sex over the age of 18, other than the spouse of documented relative, are prohibited unless approved via a DD form 510 by NAVCONBRIG Charleston Det Chesapeake Officer in Charge. All approved visitors will be listed on NAVPERS 1640/15, Mail and Visiting List.
6. Visitors will show picture identification, read and acknowledge these regulations and sign the Visitors Log.
7. Visitors may not bring any tobacco products, matches or lighters inside the facility. Smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking area outside the facility, and any tobacco products found inside the facility will be considered contraband. Please leave all tobacco products in your vehicles.
8. Visitors are required to deposit handbags, luggage, diaper bags, etc., and electronic communication devices (pagers, cellular phones, palm pilots, etc.) in one of the lockers provided or return these items to their vehicle prior to entering the facility. Electronic communication devices must be turned-off prior to placing them in a locker.
9. Visitors with infants or small children are not permitted to take diaper bags with them to the visitation area. They may carry one diaper, one feeding bottle and a hand-held baby carriage with them.
10. Prisoners are permitted to hold infants and small children up to 5 years of age during visitation. Prisoners MAY NOT punish children in any manner.
11. Visitors with children may bring in two small toys/books. These items must be approved by the Visitor’s Watch Supervisor. Private rooms are available for breastfeeding (contact the Visitor’s Watch Supervisor). No other items, including infant car seats, strollers, or activity mats are permitted.
12. Female visitors who require to breastfeed their children must inform the Chief Duty Officer of the need to do so prior to feeding time. A separate area not in view of prisoners will be made available for breastfeeding. Visitation contact with the prisoner will be interrupted during feeding, but once completed the visitation may continue provided such interruption does not interfere with waiting visitors for other prisoners. Prisoners are not authorized to continue their visitation during breastfeeding under any circumstance. Visitation will not be extended due to breastfeeding.
13. Access to restroom facilities. Visitors will utilize the restrooms near the Quarterdeck only. Prisoners are prohibited from escorting their visitors (including children) to the restroom facilities.
14. Prisoners are responsible for their conduct and of their visitors. No boisterous conduct, profanity or any personal conduct contrary to good order and discipline will be allowed. Children are the responsibility of the visitor. No running around or loud boisterous and disruptive behavior. The Officer in Charge has the authority and will issue banning letters to visitors whose conduct is prejudicial to good order and discipline.
15. All uniform articles or funds must have prior written approval. Visitors are not permitted to exchange (give or receive) anything directly with a prisoner. If approval is granted the items will be turned over to the Chief Duty Officer and a receipt will be provided.
16. Prisoners are permitted a brief embrace, kiss, or handshake (within the bound of good taste) with their visitors at the beginning and end of each visit. Holding of hands is permitted during the visit. No other physical contact is permitted.
17. The following civilian attire is considered inappropriate for visitation:
- Clothing in poor repair
- Dirty or soiled clothing
- Excessively tight or revealing clothing
- Cut-offs, un-hemmed shorts, OR shorts shorter than mid-thigh
- Bare feet
- Shirts displaying midriff, undergarments, obscenities, pornography, drugs, OR alcohol
- Tops or dresses with open backs OR low-cut fronts
- Undershirts as an outer garment
- Tank or Halter tops
- See-thru articles of any kind
- Rubber shower shoes
18. Military personnel arriving for personal visitation must be in appropriate civilian attire and present a neatly groomed military appearance (e.g. clean-shaven, proper haircut, authorized jewelry, etc.).
19. Intoxicated or impaired visitors will not be permitted to visit.
20. The length of visitation periods may be limited due to number of visitors and space availability. Prisoners will be afforded a minimum of 30 minutes for visitation per scheduled visitation period.
21. Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston Det Chesapeake does not provide for transportation to or from public transit terminals. TAXI(s) are available at the front of the Northwest Annex Base.
Contacting Prisoners
Writing letters can be an important and inexpensive way to maintain a close relationship with someone who is incarcerated. All mail entering and leaving the brig is searched for contraband and will be scanned for security issues.
Remember, staff will review anything you send into the brig. You may send photos with your letters; however, photos depicting any nudity will not be forwarded to the prisoner. Do not send cash, stamps, coins, drugs, cigarettes, phone cards, packages, gifts or any other prohibited property with your letter. You may send funds in the form of a money order or cashier's check. Do NOT send a personal check.
You may not call a prisoner nor will messages be passed. The prisoner may call you during designated times.
In accordance with Federal privacy statutes, brig staff is unable to provide any information regarding any legal or personal matters to a third party caller.
Prisoner Address
Prisoner Name, Rank/Rate
PO Box 800
Chesapeake, VA 23322
Command Address
1548 Wilderness Road
Chesapeake, VA 23322