Officer in Charge – LCDR Robert S. Hibbs
Technical Director/AOIC – Vacant
Senior Enlisted Advisor – ICCM Matthew Lee
Mission Statement
The mission of the Pearl Harbor Brig is to provide safe, legal, secure, and professional confinement of prisoners for all branches of Service in Hawaii; and, to provide a corrections program of evaluation, work, training, and opportunities for self-improvement with the goal of better preparing confined personnel for return to duty, or to return to the civilian community, as productive, offense-free individuals.
Function of the Pearl Harbor Brig is to provide
- Pretrial confinement services to all Military Commanders assigned to Marine Corps, Navy, Army, and Air Force installations in the State of Hawaii.
- Short-term military post-trial confinement for all branches of Service in the State of Hawaii.
- Long-term post-trial confinement holding for military prisoners awaiting transfer to mainland facilities.
- Public safety via confinement, reporting, identification, notification, and programming.
- Prisoner in-take processing services 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.
- Direct supervision of prisoners 24-hours a day 7-days a week.
- Prisoner counseling and core programming.
- Maintenance of physical and electronic security systems.
- Offender DNA collection and submission to CODIS.
- Victim Witness Assistance and Notification.
- Sex Offender Registration Notification.
- Fingerprinting.
- NCIC background checks and confirmation.
- Sentence Computation.
- Escort and Staff training.
- Multi-installation, multi-service, and legal liaison.
- Compliance with American Correctional Association (ACA) standards; maintain ACA accreditation.
- Compliance Prison Rape Elimination Act.
- Data input to Corrections Management Information System.
Appellate Defense Contact Number
Please call the Brig Programs Office at 808-472-7377 or 6710 (DSN: 315-472-7377)
to schedule an appointment to speak with your client.
Media Access
Personal communications between media representatives and prisoners is not authorized unless a determination is made that such an interview serves a legitimate public interest. For more information, contact MyNavy Career Center: 833.330.MNCC, or 901.874.MNCC (DSN 882.6622) Email MNCC, MNCC Chat