The following are FAQs for inspections.
1. What are the statutes and requlations that apply to inspections?
We derive our authority from SECNAVINST 5430.57G (Mission and Functions of the Inspector General) and SECNAVINST 5040.3A (Naval Command Inspection Program). Specifically, BUPERSINST 5040.2G applies to our inspection program.
2. What is the IG team's focus during an inspection?
Our focus during an inspection is primarily on a command's command climate and if the command is able to complete their mission. We do not use checklists for compliance with a program. We look for program or systemic issues which may impede a command's ability to complete its mission.
We do not tell people how to do their jobs, but do try to assist whenever possible to improve processes or practices. While we are not a compliance oriented team, we do check for compliance with local and higher headquarters directives, if needed.
3. How many team members conduct an inspection?
Our inspection team could range between 8-60 inspectors, depending on the command. The inspector at BUPERS or NPC will coordinate with an on-site member of the inspection team to further research any issues that arise from the self-assessment.
4. Why do we use focus groups?
We use focus groups as a means of talking with a range of personnel at a command. Our focus groups are professionally facilitated sessions with groups of people who have certain similarities, such as pay grade, rank, or other categories. In addition, participants in focus groups are usually randomly selected. Participants are asked to comment on various topics and given an opportunity to discuss any issues they feel are important to being able to do their job as well as their quality of life. We use information from focus groups to help us in assessing various programs and issues at a command.