Procedure for Grievances
Civilian and military personnel are expected and encouraged to register complaints and grievances through the proper supervisory and grievance "Chain of Command". In almost all situations, the first stop should be your supervisor. If you are unable to discuss the matter with your immediate supervisor, the next supervisor in your chain of command should be consulted. If you need or want to file a formal complaint or grievance, you should telephone the following points of contact:
Civilians (HRO Mid-South)
Equal Employment Opportunity: (901) 874-5295 or (901) 874-5286
Personnel Grievance: (901) 874-5535
CMEO: (901) 874-3465
Article 138/1150 Complaint of Wrong: Navy Legal Services Office - (901) 874-5793/5794
(Note: For information, call the NPC Office of Legal Counsel, BUPERS-00J - (901) 874-3165)
Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Mismanagement
Chief of Naval Personnel Inspector General Hotline: 1-877-414-5357 or (901) 874-3035/3032/3055/3113. Naval Inspector General Hotline: 1-800-522-3451
Department of Defense Inspector General Hotline: 1-800-424-9098
(Note: If above matters involve criminal activity, please call and discuss with PERS-00J - (901) 874-3165 and/or the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Resident Agency, NSA Mid-South - (901) 874-5387/5388)