Hotline # 1-877-414-5357 (Toll Free)
What is the purpose of the Inspector General Hotline?
The Hotline program provides an opportunity to report significant instances of fraud, waste, abuse of authority, and mismanagement.
What should be reported?
1. Significant cases of manpower and personnel mismanagement
2. Violation of BUPERS/NAVPERS policies and procedures. Military and civilian personnel matters involving requests for individual relief should be handled through the appropriate grievance process.
3. Theft and abuse of government property
4. Abuse of authority
5. Travel (TDY) fraud
6. Conflicts of interest
7. Contract and procurement irregularities.
What can you expect when you call the Hotline?
A thorough interview by the Hotline investigator. You will be asked to provide information that will help the investigator piece together the facts of the situation (who, what, when, where, why) and assess the estimated dollar loss to the Command.
An evaluation of your complaint will be made to determine if an investigation is warranted or if you need to refer the matter to other authorities.
Your call will be handled with complete confidentiality and you may remain anonymous. Anyone making a report to the Hotline will be protected from reprisal. You may call back to the Hotline to learn how your report was handled.
Who operates the Hotline?
The Office of the Inspector General, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Millington, TN. Calls are taken by skilled and trained investigators with professional expertise in the areas of inspections, and investigations.
Who may use the Hotline?
Navy civilian and military personnel, Defense contractor employees, as well as private citizens.
When should you call?
Immediately! Disclosure should be made as soon as information is available. The telephone number, 1-877-414-5357, is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central time.
You may also submit a complaint by clicking on the "Submit a Complaint" link on the navigation bar to your left.