SECNAVINST 5200.35E issues revised Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) managers' internal control (MIC) policy, assigns Navy program management responsibility to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), lists program definitions, standards and provides program and report requirements. OPNAVINST 5200.25C provides CNO guidance and identifies CNO, OPNAV principal officials, and lower echelon responsibilities. The MIC Program is mandated by the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982 (31 USC 3512). The program has been adopted by the Government to help managers provide reasonable assurance that their managers' internal control system is adequate to achieve their program objectives and to also comply with the FMFIA.
CNO(N1) CHNAVPERS, COMNAVPERSCOM, COMNAVCRUITCOM and subordinate field activities will develop and maintain adequate administrative, accounting, and operational controls. Excessive controls shall be eliminated and weak controls will be improved. Each organization and activity will maintain systems of controls. Managers at all levels shall continually monitor the adequacy of their administrative, accounting and operational controls. This will be accomplished by using MiC Program processes such as managers' internal control reviews (MICRs) in conjunction with existing management evaluation and review tools, e.g. audits, inspections, program reviews, command evaluations, management studies, etc. Each BUPERS, NPC and NRC office and subordinate field activity shall keep immediate superiors aware of internal control material weaknesses not correctable at their level using existing reporting procedures.
General Information
Managers' Internal Control Program Overview
Requirements of a Managers' Internal Control Program and Duties of Coordinator
Material Weakness Definition and Criteria
Managers' Internal Control Evaluation Form
Material Weakness Reporting Format
Managers' Internal Control Accomplishment Reporting Format
Related Instructions
N1/BUPERS Managers' Internal Control Program Coordinator
(901) 874-2912 (DSN Prefix: 882)