Command Climate Specialist (NEC 809A)
Command Climate Specialist (NEC 809A) attend the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) at Patrick AFB, Cocoa Beach, FL for 10 weeks and are trained in: Individual and Group Behavior Dynamics, Women's Issues and Cultural Expression, Aspects of Power and Discrimination, Studies of Major Ethnic Groups, Sexual Harassment and Grievance Procedures, Managing Diversity, and Interpersonal Communications. Personnel in paygrade E7 and above may apply for an CCS job by submitting a 1306/7 to your rating detailer. E6s with "outstanding" records will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Professional Development Instructor (NEC 805A)
Delivers courses (i.e. Journeyman Instructor Training, ADAMS, BEARINGS, CTTI, DAPA, Leadership courses, and PREVENT), which provide Sailors, at all levels, a variety of skills designed to enrich and develop their professional skills to support the accomplishment of the Navy's mission. Professional Development Instructors have a major impact on the development of the Navy's Leaders.
TRAINING PROVIDED: Will include Journeyman Instructor Training (JIT) and Command Training Team Indoctrination (CTTI) en route to gaining command.
Question: How do I get selected by Shore Special Programs to be a Professional Development Instructor?
Answer: First you need to make sure you are qualified for the program. Talk to your career counselor. Check for ASVAB, physical and other requirements in the MILPERSMAN 1306-915. Next call your rating detailer (ensure you are in the 9 month PRD window) and request to be released to Shore Special Programs for a Professional Development Instructor billet. Once you are released by your rating detailer, call the Shore Special Programs Detailer and negotiate for orders. Keep in mind that you cannot apply for Special Programs via My Navy Assignments (MNA). No exceptions.
For additional information you may contact: HTCS Joshua Borel
MILPERSMAN 1306-915 (Professional Development Instructor (PDI)
MILPERSMAN 1306-917 (Navy Command Climate Specialist (CCS)