General FAQs
What happens if I cannot drill for a period of time?
Naval Reservists who stop drilling for personal reasons are normally transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). To remain in the IRR, members must maintain satisfactory participation by completing at least 27 points per anniversary year through correspondence courses or Active Duty for Training (ADT), performing the annual IRR virtual screening, and mustering (if ordered). It is recommended that all IRR members attain a minimum of 50 points per year to earn a qualifying year towards retirement. Personnel transferred to the IRR should immediately contact an IRR counselor at 1-800-535-2699 for further guidance. NOTE: personnel in the IRR must compete for promotion with those members who are drilling. Extended time in the IRR may make a member less competitive for promotion, especially since IRR members do not receive fitness reports.
Am I considered for promotion if not a Selected or Drilling Reservist?
Yes, all members of the Ready Reserve and Standby Reserve-Active (USNR-S1 status) are required by law to be considered for promotion in their competitive category and promotion zone. Members of the Standby Reserve-Inactive (USNR-S2 status) are not considered for promotion and are ineligible to participate in the Ready Reserve. However, time spent in USNR-S2 status still counts toward total years of commissioned service, which affects an officer's statutory attrition date.
Accessions FAQs
I have been off active duty for a while. Can I still participate?
Normally YES. It is not unusual for Selected Reserve officers to have periods of time when they were not actively participating in the Navy Reserve. Contact Navy Recruiting Command at (800) 732-8767 for any specific questions.
Am I guaranteed a Selected Reserve billet?
No. There is a mandated ceiling for the maximum number of officers authorized to participate in the Selected Reserve. Officers requesting to participate in the Selected Reserve compete for pay billets based on their records.
What do I do if I am not getting paid my O/E Pay?
If you are entitled to O/E pay and are having issues being paid your O/E pay, then you need to speak with your NRC so they can submit a DWOWS ticket to resolve the issue.
If you are on orders then you will need to have your gaining command submit a DWOWS ticket or wait until you return to the NRC and have the NRC submit a DWOWS ticket on your behalf.
Creditable Prior Enlisted Service. Commissioned officers in pay grades O-1, O-2, or O-3 who are credited with over 4 years (i.e., at least 4 years and 1 day) of prior active service as an enlisted member are entitled to the special rate of basic pay for pay grade O-1E, O-2E, or O-3E.
Creditable Service for Certain Reserve Commissioned Officers. Effective January 1, 2002, commissioned officers in pay grades O-1, O-2, and O-3 who are paid from funds appropriated for Reserve personnel and credited with 1,460 points for retirement computed under 10 U.S.C. 12732(a)(2) service as a warrant officer and/or enlisted member are entitled to the special rate of basic pay for pay grade O-1E, O-2E, or O-3E.
As a SELRES Aviator/NFO drilling at a NOSC, am I eligible to receive ACIP?
Yes, if flight gate requirements are met and you remain physically qualified for aviation service. (See OPNAVINST 7220.18).
As a SELRES Aviator/NFO, am I eligible to receive ACIP during Annual Training (AT)?
Yes, if flight gate requirements are met and you remain physically qualified for aviation service. Your Navy Reserve Activity is responsible for labeling your AT orders "Flight Pay Authorized." (See Chapter 14 of BUPERSINST 1001.39F)
How do I receive ACIP if mobilized?
All mobilization orders since 9/11 are generic in nature (no incentive/special pay entitlements attached). Once you reach your final destination, have the servicing PSD contact PERS-911D to request confirmation of eligibility and authorization to modify orders, if necessary.
Physical Risk FAQs
Does Physical Risk Classification (PRC) "B" exempt a member from mobilization?
PRC "B" does not exempt a member from mobilization, but it does restrict the location of the mobilization. A waiver for OCONUS orders may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
How do I submit an OCONUS waiver request?
A waiver request must be submitted by the NOSC Medical Department. The request may be mailed or faxed to PERS-95 and must contain the following information:
Type of orders (ADT, AT, ADSW)
OCONUS location
Departure and return date of orders
CO endorsement
How much time do I have to respond to a PRC "5" letter?
You have 60 days to respond with the Resolution of Status form. If you elect a review by the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB), a deadline for your PEB submission will be set at the time of your response.
If I am issued a PRC "B", do I have to take the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)?
A PRC is not a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) waiver. PFA is a separate issue governed by OPNAVINST 6110.1J.