Upon Receipt of PCS Orders to an Overseas Location…
The following steps are mandatory, unless marked otherwise, for the unit/person listed:
1. Gaining Command
Determine if member requires no-fee passport upon arrival and comply with MILPERSMAN Article 4650-020.
Ensure command website and Welcome Aboard package are up to date and provide to member.
2. Detaching/Transferring Command
a. Follow procedures in MILPERSMAN Articles 1300-300 through 1300-306 and 1300-316 for overseas screening and dependent entry approval.
b. Advise member not to ship household goods and privately owned vehicles until successfully screened.
c. Ensure member has a completed and documented HIV test within 24 months of detachment.
d. Ensure member completes and/or meets the requirements listed in the PCS orders within the timeline given. If a timeline is not given then the step must be completed before the CMC/COB/SEA (for enlisted) and CO (all) sign NAVPERS 1300/16, REPORT OF SUITABILITY FOR OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT.
e. Enlisted only, ensure member has sufficient OBLISERV.
f. If required, ensure security clearance/background investigation is current, if not then initiate/submit request.
g. Ensure member and adult family member(s) receive general and/or AOR-specific (as applicable) individual anti-terrorism (AT) awareness training from a certified AT training officer within six months of travel.
h. Determine if member and/or dependents will require a no-fee passport and advise them to apply ASAP as passports can take up to six months to process. Information regarding passport requirements by country can be found at https://www.fcg.pentagon.mil/fcg.cfm.
i. Ensure member has completed cultural awareness training.
j. Ensure BOL Overseas Screening tab is updated with either "Suitable" or "Unsuitable'. To get access to the overseas screening tab following the directions on Overseas Screening.
3. Member
a. Apply for security clearance (if applicable) within 15 days of receipt of orders.
b. Commence Overseas Screening for self and dependents within 15 days of receipt of orders. Ensure command reports status on BUPERS On-line (BOL) within 30 days of receipt of orders.
1. If dependent has a chronic condition, it is mandatory to enroll dependent in the Exceptional Family Member Program. The local military medical treatment facility or health-care screener should be able to assist in completing the application process in conjunction with your overseas screening.
c. Apply for no-fee passports for self (if applicable) and dependents within 15 days of receipt of orders. See MILPERSMAN Article 4650-020 for further guidance. Passports can take up to four months to process with VISAs requiring an additional three months. NOTE: Non-U.S. dependents will have to coordinate with their own national Embassy/Consulate to obtain the necessary Passport/VISA.
d. Upon receipt of PCS Orders, contact your Personal Property Transportation and Household Goods Office. Privately owned vehicle shipment restrictions may exist for departure to, and/or CONUS re-entry from, the overseas duty location.
e. Enlisted only: Obtain sufficient OBLISERV to complete the tour length per PCS Orders.
f. Complete anti-terrorism training, per MILPERSMAN Article 1300-300.
g. Once the overseas screening is complete then request dependent entry approval per MILPERSMAN Article 1300-316.
h. Contact nearest military treatment facility or TRICARE service center prior to transfer for counseling on urgent or emergency medical care during PCS move.
a. Ensure NAVPERS 1300/16 has been signed by the representative of the medical treatment facility, CMC/COB/SEA (enlisted only), and the CO. Do not rely on a printout from BOL, per NAVADMIN 085/07 and Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin (PPIB) 09-30.
5. Important Information and Websites:
a. General TRICARE information can be found at Home | TRICARE.
b. Exceptional Family Member Program information can be found at Exceptional Family Member (navy.mil).
c. General on and off base housing information can be found at Navy Housing.
d. Navy Lodge information can be found at Navy Lodge - Navy & Military Hotels, Lodging & Housing (navy-lodge.com). Central Reservation: 1-800-NAVY-INN/1-800-628-9466.
e. Government lodging information can be found at DOD Lodging. Central Reservation: 1-877-NAVY-BED/1-877-628-9233.
1. *** New JTREGMARIANASINST 7200.1D (08JUN23)
f. Childcare information and registration for new duty station can be found at Child and Youth Programs (navy.mil).
g. You can process your household good (HHG) shipment application, and receive counseling, online at your convenience at DPS & Defense Personal Property Program | Military OneSource.
h. To set up essential utilities and services for your new home anywhere in CONUS and Hawaii use the free on–line NEX moving center at Navy Exchange: You Serve, You Save | Official Site (mynavyexchange.com)
i. Information regarding your next duty station - contact the nearest Relocation Assistance (navy.mil)
j. Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (LREC) support to individuals and units, and to Navy members on overseas assignments have access to self-paced cultural awareness products and language learning materials relevant to the deployment destination or assignment location. For additional information click on Center for Information Warfare Training: Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture - NETC (navy.mil).
k. For command mailing address - View All Bases & Installations | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS (militaryonesource.mil)
l. Instructions to create a self-service Electronic Service Record account are located on at NSIPS CLO (navy.mil).
m. Many airlines are charging baggage fees. Information on baggage fees and more can be found at Airline information | GSA.
n. All parents who are looking to register their dependents for potential enrollment in a DoDEA school are encouraged to preregister using the Online Student Pre-Registration System. This system is available for use at: Registration Process | DoDEA.