Welcome to the Supply Corps ENS/LDO/CWO/SUBS Website
Chief Warrant Officer Billets February 2025
Supply Corps ENS/LDO/CDO/Submarine Detailer
CWO5 Jeffrey L. Walker
Update Your Contact Information:
If you have recently transferred, your contact information has changed, or you have never provided your contact information, please contact the Career Counselor at supply_corps_cc@navy.mil or call 901-874-4613.
Records Management:
Check out the website Records Management You can review your ODC, OSR, and PSR, submit changes, and view updates all online!
Warfare Qualification:
Congratulations! To ensure your records are up to date, please forward a copy of your warfare designation letter to the Career Counselor via email at supply_corps_cc@navy.mil
Nominative Billets:
Application packages must include:
1. Cover Page: Include your PLAD, official address, work and home phone numbers, and work email address.
2. Letter(s) of Recommendation: Preferred endorsement from an O6 Supply Corps Officer.
3. Professional References: List 3-4 references, including names and contact information.
4. Current Biography: Provide an up-to-date bio.
5. Personal Statement: Express your desire and fit for the position.
6. Official Photo: Include a color, full-length official photo.
7. Officer Data Card (ODC), Officer Summary Record (OSR), and Performance Summary Record (PSR): Ensure all documents are current.
8. All Previous Officer FITREPs: Submit complete and unedited copies.
NOTE: Top Secret + security clearance eligibility is required for the White House related billets (SF86: Signed Questionnaire for National Security).
Detailing Window Reminder:
As a reminder, the detailing window varies based on your location:
- 8 months from your PRD for personnel homeported or stationed in CONUS.
- 10 months from your PRD for personnel stationed outside CONUS.
Please feel free to share your career desires and goals at any time. However, please note that we can only finalize detailing negotiations once you are within your detailing window.
Detailing Priorities:
Our detailing process prioritizes are LDO and CWO billets. If no LDO/CWO billets are available that align with your timing, we can discuss potential 3100 billets in your preferred location.
Important note: "No available LDO/CWO billets" is distinct from "no desirable billets." As an LDO/CWO, you will be detailed to an LDO/CWO billet.
Mustang Business Rules:
To ensure a fair and transparent detailing process, the following business rules have been established:
First-Come, First-Served: Generally, billets are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Direct Communication: Detailing decisions are not influenced by representation or conversations with mentors. You must directly discuss your next detail with your detailer.
Operational Needs: Even after a ship and/or homeport are negotiated, operational needs may require a shift in assignment. If an unmet operational need arises, you may be reassigned to fill that need.
Billet Prioritization: Billets that require reliefs prior to your Projected Rotation Date (PRD) must be filled before negotiations can begin for billets that need a fill past your PRD.
Operational Tour Requirements: For those on operational tours, transfer to shore duty requires:
Completion of at least 24 months of operational sea duty
Achievement of a warfare qualification
Identification of a relief
Needs of the Navy: Three months prior to your PRD, you will become a "needs of the Navy" detail, prioritizing the Navy's operational requirements.
The Detailing Triad: The following factors are considered in the detailing process, in order of priority:
1. Needs of the Navy
2. Career Needs
3. Personal Desires
For questions regarding the detailing process, general career guidance, and/or your record, please contact myself or the Career Counselor.